1Click Referral Program
- 定价
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 评分
- 5.0 (7)

准备将您的 Shopify 商店提升到一个新水平吗?1Click Referral Program 可以提供帮助。该应用程序使您可以轻松自动创建独特的推荐链接和优惠券。它激励您的客户与朋友和家人分享这些链接和优惠券。包括基本报告功能,您将能够跟踪推荐计划的成功并随着时间的推移进行改进。今天就试试 1Click Referral Program,利用推荐的力量开始发展您的业务。
- 无限推荐,无限订单,无限销售,无佣金
- 几分钟内设置带有独特推荐链接和奖励的推荐计划
- 客户购买时自动将其转变为品牌倡导者
- 自定义感谢页面小部件以匹配您的品牌
- 通过推荐链接和优惠券无缝跟踪推荐订单
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
This app is exactly what I was looking for. Simple, works well, and free!
Great customer service too - they responded and answered my questions very promptly.
So far so good, very recommended, also the customer service is super quick they got back to me in a few seconds
Easy tool that allow your customer to share your brand after their order. Thank you James for great support.
Great support, great app! The only lacking feature is translation to multiple languages - other than that I highly recommend :).
Nice app but does not combine coupons with say Free shipping.
应用支持由 World Choice Software 提供。