
这个独特的营销工具是任何网站的重要资产!使用我们的404应用,您可以定制您的404页面,将不幸的事件转化为机会。 不再让您的断链将潜在客户引向其他地方! 404页面是完全可定制的。创建吸引潜在客户的文本,并选择自定义图片。进一步定制404页面,使用自定义颜色和字体,使其与您的主题无缝融合。 在404页面上展示产品以进行销售。
- 显示一个完全响应式且有用的404页面,而不是传统的404页面
- 展示精选产品,让潜在客户在您的网站上停留的时间比以前更长
- 创建一个引人注目的自定义404页面,使其与主题无缝融合
- 亮点
- 适用于最新模板
Love this app. I have a lot of products that sell out quickly and the links go to 404. Was able to use this app to send customers to sign up to my email list and direct them to where they could buy products that are available. Had a few issues and the support fixed them within ten minutes. Highly recommend it!
This APP works well and Team Zooomy has been very responsive to our questions and enhancement requests. This is a good solution to the 404 page not found error.
This app is such a great idea! To be able to turn a 404 page into a unique marketing tool is a great asset for our website. We asked if a couple of other simple features could be added to the already "customizable" app and the staff at Zooomy was willing and eager to be accommodating. Made my day!
Gil M.
I love that I can now have a super cure redirect page and can change it up to look exactly like we want!
User friendly app! This 404 page is totally necessary if you use pinterest and don't want to lose that click traffic. Highly recommend!