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been using for a while now, while its iterface is good, it is very bad in tracking ROAS. Sales which are not even generated from campaign are being reported as sales.
there is no clarity on the sale and its performance.
They tag everything to there pixel and have not logical explanation to this incorrect tracking.
Thank you for your feedback. We’d like to clarify how AdScale’s smart reporting works to ensure accurate ROAS tracking:
Verified Order Tracking – AdScale only attributes orders that are explicitly tracked in Google or Meta. If an order is not found in these platforms, it is not counted in AdScale’s reporting.
Your Pixel Remains Active – Your existing tracking pixels continue to operate normally. AdScale’s unique pixel complements them by precisely identifying which orders came directly from your campaigns.
Clear Attribution – The Orders Tab in AdScale provides full transparency, detailing exactly which orders were attributed to which campaigns. Each order is counted only once, avoiding any duplication across Google and Meta.
Support Outreach – Our support team has reached out multiple times offering to validate your claims and demonstrate that the reported orders were indeed generated from AdScale campaigns. Unfortunately, we have not received a response yet.
We’d love to work with you to resolve any concerns. Please respond to our support team so we can walk you through the data.
Mijn ervaring met Adscale is ronduit teleurstellend. Vanaf het begin had ik problemen met de koppeling van mijn Shopify winkel. Ondanks meerdere pogingen om hulp te krijgen, was telefonisch contact niet mogelijk. Pas nadat ik een slechte review had geplaatst, werd ik benaderd door meerdere supportmedewerkers. Ze boden aan mij te helpen, de trialperiode met 2 maanden te verlengen en 2 maanden beheerondersteuning te bieden, op verzoek dat ik mijn slechte review zou verwijderen. Het is jammer dat ik eerst een slechte beoordeling moest schrijven om serieus genomen te worden. Als klant verwacht ik gewoon tijdige en goede hulp, zonder dat ik mijn frustraties publiekelijk hoef te uiten.
Hoewel de koppeling na veel moeite eindelijk werkte, ben ik absoluut niet tevreden over de app zelf. Het programma is ingewikkeld, onoverzichtelijk en verre van gebruiksvriendelijk. Zelfs het maken van een eenvoudige remarketingcampagne bleek een frustrerende en onduidelijke ervaring. Het aanmaken en beheren van campagnes en advertentiegroepen in het algemeen is verwarrend en tijdrovend.
Daarnaast merkte ik tot mijn schrik dat campagnes die ik had uitgeschakeld, na een tijd vanzelf weer geactiveerd werden. Dit gebeurde meerdere keren. Gelukkig zag ik het op tijd, maar dit soort fouten kan leiden tot onnodige kosten, en dat is onacceptabel.
Uiteindelijk kies ik ervoor om mijn campagnes rechtstreeks via Facebook Ads Manager te beheren. Dit is eenvoudiger, overzichtelijker en bovendien gratis. Facebook biedt daarnaast telefonische ondersteuning, wat ik bij Adscale erg mis.
Kortom, Adscale is niet de juiste keuze voor mij. Het werkt niet zoals ik verwacht van een professionele tool en het gebrek aan overzicht en gebruiksvriendelijkheid maakt het nog minder aantrekkelijk. Ik raad deze app niet aan
I tried this software for the second time. The first time, the results were not what I expected. The second time, Adscale destroyed my entire account. After I installed the app, all my products were duplicated in the merchant account, and the support team was unable to resolve the issue. Additionally, Adscale imported data blindly, including age and a lot of other irrelevant information that had nothing to do with my products.
The results from the AI were also not as good as what I can achieve when I manage it myself. This app will not help grow your business, but it might help destroy it.
We are sorry you did not feel the benefit of the app in a short period of 21 days running the ads with our app.
During this short period our campaigns outperformed your existing campaigns and would have continued to generate even better results.
About the feed - AdScale uploads our own set of products which do not interfere in anyway with your products - we mentioned this multiple times.
In no case did we "destroy" your account and your products continued to run with no issues.
Support has contacted you many times to explain the points you raised but you did not answer us. Please answer us so we can resolve this issue.
We recently had a disappointing experience with an app that promised to optimize our return on ad spend (ROAS). Despite its promises, we found that the ROAS was merely on par with what we were already achieving with a free Shopify app. This similarity in performance was underwhelming, to say the least, given our expectations for superior results.
More troubling, however, were the issues we encountered with improperly set tax attributes and delayed product data feed syncing. These technical problems led to significant financial losses for our business, far outweighing any potential benefits the app could have provided. The app's inability to handle these crucial elements effectively put our operations at a disadvantage, creating unnecessary hurdles in our sales and marketing efforts.
Given these experiences, I cannot recommend this app. The expectation of any tool that serves businesses, especially in the competitive e-commerce space, is that it not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes positively to the bottom line. Unfortunately, this app fell short on both counts, leading to a frustrating and costly experience. Businesses looking for a reliable solution to improve their ROAS would do well to consider other options that are more capable of delivering on their promises without introducing such detrimental issues.
Dear valued customer,
I'm sorry you felt you did not get the value you expected from our app despite a significant improvement in ROAS over the period you used it. Campaigns go through a learning periods and meeting high targets can be expected over a few months depending on many factors that are not all in our control (products your offer, amount of budget, selected advertising channels etc.) and we were very close to your number and feel this review is not justified due to the short period you were actually using the app.
We wish you success and we would be happy working together in the future.
SUCKED NOT ONE SALE.............
Thank you for your feedback.
We understand the frustration when results don’t happen right away. However, running campaigns for just 2 days doesn't allow enough time for them to exit the learning phase or gather sufficient data for our AI to optimize. Most campaigns need more time to drive traffic and conversions effectively. We'd love to help you improve results if you'd like to continue! Feel free to reach out to our support team for further assistance.
my facebook is suspanded but still i got charged for my subscription, i dont understand what is the problem
why you are asking for permission to delete our google ads account and its data why i will allow this to use your app you cannot ask for such permissions to use your app which is not free by the way
We try our best to keep our customers happy and must clarify a point:
We do NOT request any delete of google ads account - this is not something Google allows as a permission - we ask for campaign management for only our AdScale created campaigns.
Our support is trying to contact you to assist in resolving the issue.
Too expensive.
Thank you for your feedback.
AdScale offers many functionalities in our subscription so actually , with your AdScale subscription you are getting several systems in 1 -
BI insights, AI ads creation & Optimization, AI Creative studio, AI Copy creator, Segments & audience tool, Reports.
We believe if you gave us a try and evaluate the system you will see the value.
Our support reached out to you with additional information
The support is abrubt and dissapointing for the amount of money the app costs. They just pull the ads from facebook, nothing AI about this app, no optimization.
Thanks for your feedback, we always try our best to make our clients satisfied with the app , results & support.
Regarding the points you mentioned:
1. You had the app installed 2 days and received traffic and orders in this short period.
2. You opened up several support tickets in this period and got answers to all.
3. Regarding Optimization - this usually happens once more significant
traffic has been generated so 2 days is really too early to evaluate.
Our support contacted you so please respond to them.
Horrible expereince with them! They take over all your advertising medium and make it next to impossibe to reclaim access to them. It's been over a month since i've been trying to regain access to my advertising platform from AdScale. I've reached out and was told they couldn't simply disconnect. I went into their settings and unchecked them from my google console, as soon as I hit save, it rechecks it and they still has control of it. I am unable to disconnect my FB from their setting. I am now in the process of deactivating my facebook ads account in it's entirety in order to remove adscale. Sam goes for my instagram. This is a nightmare and purposely done like this to continue to bilk unsuspecting customers. Their ads weren't the best, my ad spend increased but the sales did not, I ended spending more money on ads and when I did make 1 or 2 sales the profits from that went to Adscale for the most part.
I sincerely apologize for your experience.
As mentioned, AdScale doesn't take over any of your existing advertising account. It actually create new and separate ad accounts in order to avoid such situations.
As for the Merchant Center claim, I do see you requested to reclaim your URL to run your own Google Shopping campaigns and we provided you with instructions on how to do so.
Unfortunately, we cannot transfer the claim to you from our side, it needs to be done by you, the instructions provided tells you how to do it. It's very simple.
I again apologize, and I would be happy to give you a call and help solve all the issues you had in person.