NA Age Verification
- 定价
提供免费套餐。 提供免费试用。
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- 评分
- 4.8 (134)
- 开发人员
- Northern Apps
轻松为您的在线商店添加年龄验证功能!该应用会自动安装到您的商店(无需处理代码或等待开发人员帮助您!)并添加一个专业的年龄验证屏幕,该屏幕可以在客户进入您的网站和结账前出现。 该应用与您的在线商店无缝集成,年龄验证屏幕已经设计得在所有设备上都能很好地工作,包括手机,平板电脑和桌面电脑。
- 通过禁用结账按钮或显示弹窗在结账前验证年龄
- 将年龄验证状态添加到订单详情以便记录
- 使用自定义页面规则只在您需要的地方显示年龄检查屏幕
- 使用简单的是/否按钮,生日输入或复选框验证年龄
- 编辑文本,图片,添加免责声明,与Klaviyo集成,使用开发者API进行定制
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- 高度可定制的年龄验证弹窗
- 是/否按钮,复选框和生日输入选项
$3.95 /月
- 所有免费计划功能
- 在特定页面上显示弹窗
- 可定制的按钮外观
- 可定制的弹窗文本/背景/覆盖层
7 天免费试用
$8.95 /月
- 所有Plus功能
- 结账时弹窗
- 直到检查年龄才启用结账按钮
- 在订单备注中显示年龄检查
- 在Klaviyo中获取生日
7 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
评论 (134)
This app is very simple to use and does what it says. The pop up option is fully customisable with your branding, and I then switched to using the age verification at checkout. Very easy and Chris is super helpful.
Works perfectly and there is even room to make adjustments for branding.
Worked exactly like we wanted it to for when we needed it.
Great app and works as described. Had an easy time setting it up and managing it was a breeze. Recommend for anyone looking for an age verification app that is both easy to use and sufficient.
Great app, look no further. The entrance options are easy and has lots of other features a store owner needs. I would recommend everyone use this. We have for the past 5 years without any issues.
Thanks Norther Apps for building a smooth app!
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