
Age verification popup to block under age access to your store by age and date of birth verification
Age verification popup helps your store prevent under age access by users with easy age verification and date of birth verification, keeping your site secure and compliant. With Agefence, you can create a stylish, responsive age verification popup that fits all screen sizes and matches your brand's theme. Enjoy unlimited design customizations and ensure your online store meets all compliance requirements effortlessly.
- Ensure compliance with Age verification popup
- Customize popup directly in your theme editor
- Fully responsive and supported wide range of screen resolution
- Smooth user experience across all devices
- Date of Birth verification
- 特色
- 可直接在 Shopify 管理介面使用
- 可與最新佈景主題搭配使用
$4.95 /月
- Unlimited Verifications
- Full Widget Customization
- Birth Date Consent
- Popup on Specific pages
- Add Cover & Background Images
7 天免費試用
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
Great app, actively work on feature requests, I'm very impressed
Best age verification popup app, although we had little hiccup after installing but support is very fast and they quickly resolved it to make the widget awesome on our store
Broke my themes font when turned on. Specific page setting is poor way of doing it. No free try as they state and got instantly charged.
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We noticed that you recently uninstalled our Agefence - Age Verification app and left a 1-star review due to compatibility issues. We sincerely apologize for ...
Super easy to install and works flawlessly! The age verification pop-up is clean and professional, giving me peace of mind that I'm staying compliant. Highly recommend for any store needing age verification checks!
I've been using this app for a while now, and it works perfectly right out of the box. It does exactly what it promises, and the variety of popup designs seems endless :D
應用程式支援由 Appiers 提供。