Zopi ‑ AliExpress Dropshipping

Zopi ‑ AliExpress Dropshipping

Reseñas (2.539)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 90% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 6% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 3% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
12 de noviembre de 2024

This app doesn't sync correctly with tiktok shop. It's a nightmare!! also they keep charging you after you uninstall the app. Customer service don't resolve anything. Disappointed!!

Happy Tail, Paws Paradise
Estados Unidos
4 meses usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 14 de noviembre de 2024

Dear friend,

Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding your experience with the Zopi App. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have encountered.

We understand your frustration regarding the lack of TikTok integration. Please be assured that our team is actively working on this feature and we aim to include it in our next update. We will notify you as soon as it becomes available.

Regarding your concerns about the refund policy, as a third-party application on Shopify, all payments for your subscription are processed directly through Shopify. This means that Shopify handles the billing when your subscription is activated.

To assist you further, we have reached out to you via email with detailed information and support regarding the payment and refund process.

We appreciate your understanding and patience. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

The Zopi Support Team

23 de enero de 2025


GSG Supplies
Reino Unido
4 minutos usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 25 de enero de 2025

Dear GSG Supplies,

Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding your experience with the Zopi App. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have encountered.

We understand your frustration regarding the subscription charge. Regarding our pricing plans, please note that the Starter plan you used does not include a free trial.

Regarding your concerns about the refund policy, as a third-party application on Shopify, all payments for your subscription are processed directly through Shopify. This means that Shopify handles the billing when your subscription is activated.

To assist you further, we have reached out to you via email with detailed information and support regarding the payment and refund process.

We appreciate your understanding and patience. If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

The Zopi Support Team

10 de septiembre de 2024

Don’t install this, I didn’t fully sign up yet I’m being charged

Lillie Mae Collection
Estados Unidos
11 meses usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 12 de septiembre de 2024

Dear Terrie,

Thank you for sharing your feedback regarding your experience with the Zopi App.

We understand your concerns about the refund policy. As a third-party application of Shopify, all payments for your subscription are processed directly through Shopify. This means that Shopify is responsible for charging the full amount on your account when the subscription was activated. Since the subscription was not canceled, the charge was recurring.

To address this issue, we reached you through your email to provide you with detailed information and assistance regarding the payment and refund process.

Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Best regards,
The Zopi Support team

22 de julio de 2024

So where do i start .......
Started off on the free plan as new to it all. first 3 products i listed were perfectly fine, shipped to the UK etc. Then suddenly it changed to US with no other dropdown option for anywhere else. Spent a good 1-2hours friday with someone. They went through it all & nothing could be found. I screenshot & sent to her as It wouldn't allow me to change any delivery. she said to keep as it is US but it will get delivered to the UK. I said what about the delivery charges & timescale which won't change. She suggest I upgrade my plan ... shock ... Eventually she said she'd pass it onto the development team to look at. So few days later i asked the question on the chat function. The lady has no idea about my problem as it's apparently not even been logged !!

I was advised by shopify experts on a forum to avoid & this is why .....

Dark Moon
Reino Unido
Alrededor de 1 mes usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 25 de julio de 2024

Dear Sam,

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced.

We greatly value the insights from our customers and are committed to continuously improving our service. Your concerns have been investigated by our internal team.

One of our representatives reached out to you shortly to discuss your feedback in more detail and to ensure we address any issues you may have encountered.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to resolving this matter to your satisfaction.

Thank you for your trust in us.

Best regards,

The Zopi Support Team

20 de octubre de 2024

Wasted time and money.
It's an app looks good and easy to use, BUT limits are unacceptable.

Reino Unido
Alrededor de 2 horas usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 3 de noviembre de 2024

Hi P ZhelezkoFF,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. I'm sorry to hear that our feature didn't meet your expectations.

We understand that the limitations of each plan can be frustrating, especially when you're trying to see how it works. Currently, as part of the Starter plan, you have 10 quotas for tracking your order status. One of our teammate has reached out via the email to explain and verify your concern in detail.

Look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Best regards,
The Zopi Support team

20 de septiembre de 2024

beaucoup trop cher, je pensais que mon client recevrait la commande et je me rend compte que rien n'a fonctionné. Je dois payer 70$ pour un truc de 6$ ça n'a aucun sens. En plus vous voulez que je change pour un forfait plus grand pour seulement une vente de 6$

Waves & Game
Alrededor de 2 meses usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 22 de septiembre de 2024

Chère Annick,

Merci de nous avoir fait part de vos commentaires et nous sommes vraiment désolés pour cette expérience indésirable.

Il semble y avoir un léger malentendu que je voudrais aborder. Zopi est une application conçue pour vous aider à passer des commandes en synchronisant automatiquement les informations de votre commande afin de faciliter l'exécution des commandes en quelques clics simples. Le processus n'est pas entièrement automatique et Zopi n'expédiera pas la commande sans votre action et confirmation. Un membre de notre équipe vous a contacté par e-mail pour vous aider à traiter correctement la commande et attend actuellement votre réponse.

Nous espérons avoir de vos nouvelles bientôt.

L'équipe d'assistance Zopi

14 de abril de 2024

I did a test order and two clients ordered as well...all parties are yet to receive products after 4+ weeks.

Very disappointed.

DT Selects
Estados Unidos
5 meses usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 16 de abril de 2024

Dear D'angelo,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts about our app. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you've encountered and appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this matter.

Please be assured that your concerns have been escalated to our internal team for a thorough review. We understand the importance of efficient order placement and fulfillment for your business, and we want to ensure that every aspect of our app meets your needs.

A member of our team has reached out to discuss the challenges you've faced in more detail. We eagerly await your response so we can assist you further and address any outstanding issues.

Thank you for placing your trust in us. We are dedicated to ensuring your satisfaction and success.

Warm regards,

The Zopi Support Team

3 de agosto de 2024

shit app and support it is not allowing me to uninstall the app form my store i do not know why?

14 días usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 5 de agosto de 2024

Dear Chirag,

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced. We greatly value the insights from our customers and are committed to continuously improving our service.

Regarding your concern, we would like to inform you that due to some updates from the external system, the uninstallation of the app required additional steps. One of our representatives reached out to you shortly to discuss your feedback in more detail and to ensure we address any issues you may have encountered.

We appreciate your patience and look forward to resolving this matter to your satisfaction.

Thank you for your trust in us.

Best regards,

The Zopi Support Team

19 de noviembre de 2024

hankala löytää tuotteita, näyttää vain muutaman vaihtoehdon mitä haki ja sen jälkeen tulee ihan asiaan kuulumattomia tuotteita näkyviin. Ei pysty hakemaan esimerkiksi aliexpress myyjäkaupan nimellä. Ei pysty määrittämään eu alueen toimittajia. ei pysty määrittämään hakuun näyttämään hintaa suoraan omaan maahan tuontiin. ei pääse käymään saman kauppiaan sivuilla etsimässä muita tuotteita. todella hankala ja jäykkä sovellus. hinnat kalliimpia kuin tilaisi suoraan itselleen. jos haluaa peruuttaa tilauksen ei rahoja palauteta vaan joudut/pääset käyttämään sovellusta siihen asti kun olet maksanut.

1 día usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 21 de noviembre de 2024

Rakas ystävä

Pahoittelemme vilpittömästi kokemaasi haittaa.

Arvostamme suuresti asiakkaidemme näkemyksiä ja olemme sitoutuneet parantamaan palveluamme jatkuvasti.

Jotta voimme vastata kohtaamaasi haasteeseen tehokkaasti, tiimimme jäsen on ottanut yhteyttä saadakseen lisätietoja. Asiantuntijamme odottaa vastaustasi keskustellakseen kokemuksistasi ja selvittääkseen, kuinka voimme korjata asiat.

Kiitämme kärsivällisyydestäsi ja odotamme innolla, että pääsemme ratkaisemaan asian sinua tyydyttävällä tavalla.

Kiitos luottamuksestasi meitä kohtaan.

Ystävällisin terveisin,

Zopin tukitiimi.

8 de octubre de 2024



Alrededor de 2 meses usando la aplicación
Zopi ⭐ respondió 10 de octubre de 2024


あなたの懸念についてですが、ドロップシッピングはオンライン小売業者が注文を処理するものの、商品の在庫を持たない人気のビジネス モデルです。つまり、サプライヤーからの在庫切れの製品がある場合は、別のリンクに置き換えて再マッピングし、新しいサプライヤーで継続的にフルフィルメントを行うことができます。

2 番目の懸念事項については、新しい注文がある場合、アプリは顧客の住所をサプライヤーと同期して履行するのに役立ちます。弊社のエージェントの 1 人が、注文の問題について話し合ってサポートするためにあなたに連絡を取りました。


