Appdinh ‑ Effects Store

Appdinh ‑ Effects Store

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Kompatibel mit den neuesten Themes
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Appdinh - Effects Store is one of the apps that helps you decorate your store.

Appdinh - Effects Store is one of the apps that help you to spice up your store for the Holiday season. You can surprise your visitors with seasonal decorations. That makes your store a pleasant place for them to shop. This app provided up to 15+ seasonal effects like rain, firework, Sakura, Halloween, Valentine's, and New Year... and you can configure some options for the effect. It is compatible with any theme, all browsers, and mobile devices.

Appdinh - Effects Store is one of the apps that help you to spice up your store for the Holiday season. You can surprise your visitors with seasonal decorations. That makes your store a pleasant place for them to shop. This app provided up to 15+ seasonal effects like rain, firework, Sakura, Halloween, Valentine's, and New Year... and you can configure some options for the effect. It is compatible with any theme, all browsers, and mobile devices. mehr
  • Create awesome effects when you move the mouse
  • Compatible with all browsers and all devices
  • Create stunning effects in multicolor
  • Quick and easy to install
  • No coding required

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Kompatibel mit den neuesten Themes



Für diese App ist keine Übersetzung auf Deutsch vorhanden.




  • Create 5 free effects
  • Show effects at all public page


$1.39 / Monat

  • +20 Seasonal effects
  • Advanced settings
  • Allow choosing custom cursor
  • Adding mouse move effect

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Alle Gebühren werden in USD berechnet. Wiederkehrende und nutzungsabhängige Gebühren werden alle 30 Tage in Rechnung gestellt.


Anzahl pro Bewertungsstufe
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 5 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 4 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 3 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 2 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 1 Sterne
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Ha Noi City, VN


Dieser Entwickler bietet keinen direkten Support auf Deutsch an.


20. Dezember 2023

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