Areviews ‑ Reviews Importer
- 定价
提供免费套餐。 提供免费试用。
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 适用于最新模板
- 评分
- 4.5 (580)
- 开发人员
- Areviews App
Areviews帮助您从AliExpress和其他网站导入视频和照片评论,只需几次点击,就可以收集您的客户的照片评论。以多种样式展示所有的评论,有助于提升您的销售额,最大化您的客户信任。 此外,它还通过访客跟踪、多种展示评论的方式(如快乐的客户页面、向每个新订单的客户发送电子邮件)等帮助您提高转化率。 批量导入导入器应用程序,如Importify或Dsers等。
- 通过支持的网站如Amazon、Aliexpress或使用CSV导入评论
- 自动同步新评论,使您的产品始终看起来活跃
- 与许多应用和服务(如Google购物和Google摘录)的集成
- 新订单的消息系统,您可以发送消息和优惠券
- 多种展示评论的方式,如滑块、弹出窗口、徽章等
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 适用于最新模板
- 仅从Aliexpress导入
- 每个产品6条评论
- 仅100个产品
- 管理所有评论
- 集合评级小部件
- 等等
$6.99 /月
- 从Aliexpress、Amazon、Shein等导入
- 无限评论和导入
- Google购物和丰富的摘录
- 带优惠券的订单消息
- 等等
3 天免费试用
$12.99 /月
- 所有其他计划的功能
- 自动同步(自动检查新评论)
- 从Aliexpress、Amazon、Shein、Banggood、Wish、Etsy等导入
3 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
评论 (580)
Excellent. Quick and very good chat and email response. The reviews are working great on our site. I highly recommend Areviews app for integrating your product reviews from other shopping platforms to show up on your site. Thank you!
This app does exactly what it is supposed to do. When starting out it was great to have a free option and I love that the paid version adds so much for very little cost. I would recommend this app to anyone.
This app has been extremely helpful and makes reviews very easy to manage, the customer service is very fast, friendly and helpful. Tried other apps like judge me and yotbo but uninstalled shortly after. I recommend it!
Update: Whenever I face any issues, the customer service are always there to help me fix it within hours of my email and they keep adding new features that makes it even more seamless. I highly recommend it!
An absolute powerhouse tool for any store. Need reviews, this app has got you. Honestly the trust you can give customers and the use of this app above and beyond. Thank you.
Update. This app just gets better and easier to use. Keep up the good work.
I would absolutely recommend A-Reviews to others. My product page looks very accountable and credible due to the wonderful reviews that A-Reviews provides.
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