Dialogue ‑ A/B Testing & CRO

Dialogue ‑ A/B Testing & CRO

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5.0 (43)

AI 个性化和 CRO 平台,带有 AB 测试。销售驱动,无代码,强大且直观。

Dialogue 使品牌能够从头到尾个性化和优化其购物体验,无需代码。通过 AI 驱动的产品推荐、捆绑销售、购物车和结账追加销售和交叉销售、可购物故事和可购物视频、个性化内容、购买后优惠 - 我们的个性化套件优化每个接触点以增加 AOV 和 CVR。使用 AI 进行 1:1 个性化、细分和 A/B 测试。适用于考虑 Nosto、Rebuy、DY、Visually、Intelligem 和 Shoplift 的商店。

Dialogue 使品牌能够从头到尾个性化和优化其购物体验,无需代码。通过 AI 驱动的产品推荐、捆绑销售、购物车和结账追加销售和交叉销售、可购物故事和可购物视频、个性化内容、购买后优惠 - 我们的个性化套件优化每个接触点以增加 AOV 和 CVR。使用 AI 进行 1:1 个性化、细分和 A/B 测试。适用于考虑 Nosto、Rebuy、DY、Visually、Intelligem 和 Shoplift 的商店。 更多
  • 动态 AI 推荐,购物车和结账交叉销售,购买后优惠
  • AB 测试 - 重定向 URL、CTA、横幅、文本、应用程序(如 Google Optimize)
  • 通过“经常一起购买”捆绑销售增加 AOV。添加折扣和细分
  • 个性化活动、个性化横幅和细分内容、视频滑块
  • 可购物故事和可购物视频 - 连接 Instagram 和 TikTok 与 ChatGPT







  • 结账
  • yotpo
  • Google Analytics
  • klaviyo
  • tiktok
  • instagram
  • ChatGPT




  • 无限制的 A/B 测试
  • 无限制的资产
  • 仅限开发商店和测试环境


$19 /月

超出订单数量或在 Dialogue 直接销售中将自动升级到下一个定价层级

  • 每月最多 100 个订单
  • 最多 $1,000 的 Dialogue 直接销售
  • 无限制的 A/B 测试
  • 无限制的实时资产

14 天免费试用


$99 /月

超出商店的每月订单数量或 Dialogue 直接销售将自动升级到下一个定价层级

  • 每月最多 1,000 个订单
  • 最多 $4,000 的 Dialogue 直接销售
  • 无限制的 A/B 测试
  • 无限制的实时资产

14 天免费试用


$399 /月

  • 每月最多 4,000 个订单
  • 最多 $20,000 的 Dialogue 直接销售
  • 1:1 入门指导
  • 定制资产计划

14 天免费试用



所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。 查看所有定价选项

评论 (43)

  • 100% 的评分是 5 星
  • 0% 的评分是 4 星
  • 0% 的评分是 3 星
  • 0% 的评分是 2 星
  • 0% 的评分是 1 星

Omri went out of his way to assist a startup like mine, which is highly appreciated. I look forward to seeing even a small uplift in my conversion rate in the months ahead.

大约1个月 人在使用应用

Great app capability in terms of personalisation and upselling. Being able to integrate with Klaviyo and other apps opens a lot more personalisation potential too.

Optimal design and set up can take some time - for best results you should have several assets and test what works. But the Dialogue team is always on hand to help with design and positioning. Our onboarding manager pretty much set us up with the essential assets. We just needed to add personalisation and choose the products that compliment each other.

When we needed to boost AOV for Black Friday I was able to have a call with the team who provided ideas for what to try next and how we can improve. The prices are so good and better than competitors as well.

8个月 人在使用应用

Great app for small businesses - support is quick too.

14天 人在使用应用

We've been using dialogue for over half a year and the assets make our website look so much more put together. The funnels they create have been super helpful at getting customers to checkout + the team is lovely! We've worked closely with Yael and she's great - super quick to recommend best next steps, best assets to use, and just helpful and supportive in general. Looking forward to fine tuning our dialogue experience even more to get the most out of our platform.

The Phluid Project
9个月 人在使用应用

We have been using Dialogue for about 5 months now and it is time to write a review and share some statistics about our progress so far with this app.
First off I like to tell that we are a small shop, we launched the webshop (women’s fashion) about a year ago and although the price for this app was high in comparison to our revenue at the time we knew that this was a step in the right direction after 2 meetings with the Dialogue team were they gave us a walk through of all the functionalities in the software.

Although our shop is pretty new, we ourselves have a long history in online marketing (over 15 years) and because of this we understand the importance of website optimisation and more specifically, creating a personally tailored shopping experience for our customers.

So, that being said, lets dive into the statistics and what Dialogue did for us.

If you want to establish a brand and create loyal customers and increase LTV you have to stand out, and this is were Dialogue shines.
The functionalities in this app are build solely for this purpose, to make your shop look better then your competition and function better then your competition.

Dialogue comes with a few functionalities that can maybe look basic from the outside (for example bundles, banners, content placements options and cross sell options) but they are far from basic.
Design wise they are so much better then anything we found so far, and because there are extensive logic options (if this, then that) the possibilities are absolutely endless.
Combine this with the best and most fluent coding we have seen so far with Shopify apps and you got yourself a powerhouse of endless possibilities.

On our shop we have 2 assets / Dialogue functionalities that are bringing in most of the revenue from this app. Those are the bundles and a group of smart banners that completely changed the customer experience on our site.

The bundles are good for about 15% of our current total revenue and this number is still growing.

The smart banners (these are the storyteller features and manual campaigners) in our collection pages, although bringing in direct sales as well, are a bit different in nature.
In our case the banners are mostly an asthenic feature designed to create nice looking and customised shopping experience and their main goal is to increase the time on site and increase LTV. And it does this perfectly.

Ever since we installed the app (and especially this functionality) we saw a increase in time on site (about a 40% increase duration) and we can see that people that are engaging with Dialogue features stay more double as long on our site then other shoppers.

Also, ever since we started using Dialogue the % of first time shoppers returning for a second / third etc. purchase has gone up massively. (over 40% atm) in this case we do have to take into account that this is also partly because we are a relatively new shop and lots of things have been improved but the positive affect of Dialogue can be seen in this area as well.

In general, Dialogue contributes to about 40% of our current revenue ( revenue from visitors who interacted with Dialogue assets)and their average order value is 30%+ higher and given the fact that we haven’t even incorporated all features yet this is very thrilling to see.

As for deeper segmentation options, we haven’t used them yet. Mostly because of the fact that we are time crunched since we are still in an early stage of this webshop and a lot of things still have to be done and improved. Secondly, we are not done yet rolling out all the Dialogue features and we first want to have our main customer journey perfectly optimized before creating more paths with deeper segmentation.
That said, the segmentation options are endless with dialogue and we are looking forward implementing these features on our site.

So, end verdict. Is Dialogue worth the price and the time to implement? Absolutely. Is it expensive? Well this depends on your revenue of course, for us it was an expensive piece of software given the fact that we did less then 20k per month at time of implementation. But we are very happy we made this step.
We reached break even in the first 2 months and its now increasing our revenue and profit.
Customers are in love with our shop atm and the amount of returning customers is growing rapidly. Customer feedback has been insanely positive.

Also, good things cost money. And Dialogue has not just been coded extremely well, but the logic in this app is phenomenal. Not just talking about segmentation options but from a user interface design perspective everything makes sense. So far we have not found a single functionality that limits our abilities and apart from that tech support and support in general is amazing and custom work is being encouraged by their team.

All in all a big 5/5 for Dialogue and their team.

Plebs en Snobs
5个月 人在使用应用


应用支持由 Dialogue 提供。



New York, NY, US




4.6 星(满分 5 星) 总共 129 条评论 提供免费试用
5.0 星(满分 5 星) 总共 2 条评论 提供免费试用
5.0 星(满分 5 星) 总共 2 条评论 提供免费套餐


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