ADU: Automatic Discounts
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Administrer alle dine rabatter ét sted - tilbyd trinvise rabatter, gratis gaver, BOGO, & mersalg
Administrer og opret nemt alle dine rabatter, gratis gaver, BOGO, trinvise rabatter og medlemsspecialer med en enkelt app. Øg salget ved at sætte købsmål og vise fremskridtslinjer. Motiver til mere forbrug ved at vise en rabat og gave på forhånd. Lad kunderne automatisk få en gave i deres kurv eller vælge fra en række varer. Tilbyd mersalg, krydssalg og BOGO på kurvstadiet. Opsæt regler, links eller koder til din rabat afhængigt af indholdet i kurven og kunden.
- Opsæt og administrer automatisk rabatter baseret på foruddefinerede regler og betingelser
- Anvend mængderabatter for at drive salg og belønne kunder for større ordrer
- Administrer alle dine kampagner, og tilpas dem problemfrit med dit butiksdesign
- Forudbyggede kampagner - aktiver klar-til-brug kampagner med et enkelt klik
- Vis rabatter og mersalg før de anvendes for at opmuntre til yderligere forbrug
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
- Fungerer sammen med de nyeste temaer
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Betaling, Privy, Checkout, RechargeKategorier
Administration af rabatter
Test vandene
Gratis at installere
2,9% succesgebyr
- Ingen grundlæggende månedlig afgift
- Du bliver kun opkrævet, hvis appen hjælper med at konvertere salg. For eksempel betaler du 2,90 kr. for hver 100 kr. i ekstra salg.
Grundlæggende Essentials
$9.99 om måneden
1,2% succesgebyr
- Du bliver opkrævet 9,99 kr. pr. måned + et ekstra 1,20 kr. for hver 100 kr. i ekstra salg, som appen hjalp med at konvertere.
$19.99 om måneden
0,9% succesgebyr
- Du bliver opkrævet 19,99 kr. pr. måned + et ekstra 0,90 kr. for hver 100 kr. i ekstra salg, som appen hjalp med at konvertere.
$49.99 om måneden
0,6% succesgebyr
- Du bliver opkrævet 49,99 kr. pr. måned + et ekstra 0,60 kr. for hver 100 kr. i ekstra salg, som appen hjalp med at konvertere.
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (280)
Works well, customer service is fast & goes above and beyond consistently to help any issues that come up.
Hi there LIULI Crystal Art and team!
Thank you so much for your kind words! We're glad that our support team was able to help you out. We will continue to work hard to ensure that you get the support you need.
If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to reach out to us!
This is the worst app we've ever used! Stay away! We ran a semi-annual sale last week, and 3 random issues happened and they never fix it for us. 1. Sometimes the app will give customer 100% discount, which means giving away our products for free. 2. Sometimes the app will give customers 70% discount instead of the 30% discount that we set up. 3. Sometimes the app will skip some orders and gave the customer 0% discount. Everything was just random. Stay away. This app is full of bugs and issues.
Thanks for taking the time to post that. It was painful for me to read, but it seems a fair assessment of your issues. I'm so sorry about your experience with us so far.
I realize it feels like we weren't doing anything to help with these technical problems, but I promise you this case has been at the top of our priority list for at least a week. If you're open to it, I would love to jump on a quick call with you to discuss. We still want to get this fixed for you!
Hannes Bez
Director of Customer Experience
It has all the features I’ve been looking for but couldn’t find in other apps, and it works with the Rebuy. RG was amazing, he walked me through the setup on a call and answered all my questions with such patience and clarity. I couldn’t be happier with the experience and highly recommend!
Hey there Maude and team!
Thank you so much for the glowing review! We're thrilled to hear that you had an amazing experience with our app and with the support RG provided. We assure you that we will continue to do our best to provide your needs.
If you need further assistance, you know where to reach us!
Although it was difficult during the first setup, I found that this app offers unique features compared to others. RG from the customer support truly stands out, providing detailed explanations that simplify everything and make it much less complicated! I strongly urge you to try it out!
Hi team!
Thank you for sharing your experience with us! We're glad to hear that RG was able to help you out. We'll do our best to continue to provide you with outstanding support and service.
If you need anything else, you know where to reach us!
Just started using, but like what I see so far. Our use case was to allow sales reps to get a large discount up to a maximum savings of a certain number of dollars.
Tried this, and seems to solve our issue.
Thank you!
Hey there Aromatique team!
Thank you for making our day with a wonderful review! We're glad that you liked our app.
If you need any help or have questions, please feel free to reach out to our team. We're always happy to help!
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4. august 2016