Avada GDPR Cookie Consent
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Opret en cookie-banner for GDPR-overholdelse og GCM V2 + 24/7 SUPPORT INDTIL DU FÅR, HVAD DU VIL HAVE
Avada GDPR Cookie Consent er appen, der hjælper handlende på Shopify-butikker med at indsamle og administrere samtykke fra dine EU-kunder, hvilket sikrer, at du overholder alle europæiske cookielovstandarder (GDPR). Den understøtter også amerikanske statslove CCPA/CPRA, VCDPA, CPA, CTDPA og UCPA for Californien, Virginia og Colorado, Connecticut og Utah; Brasilien (LGPD), Canada (PIPEDA), Japan (APPI). Den er kompatibel med Shopify Customer Privacy, Google Consent Mode v2, Online Store 2.0 og Checkout Extensibility for Shopify Plus
- Fungerer med Checkout Extensibility, GCM V2, Meta/Tiktok Pixel, GPC og 24/7 support
- Oversætter automatisk cookies indhold for at matche dine kunders sprog
- Fuld tilpasning for: Stil, Region, Adfærd, Indhold for din cookie-banner
- GDPR-privatlivspolitikgenerator og kundedataanmodning
- Cookiescanner hjælper med at identificere og vise detaljer om cookies, der bruges på din butik
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
- Fungerer sammen med de nyeste temaer
Engelsk, Fransk, Tysk, Italiensk, Spansk, og Japansk
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
- Betaling
- Checkout Extensibility
- Google Certified CMP Partner
- TCF v2.2, Google Analytics
- Google Consent Mode v2, GTM
- Checkout Block, Meta Pixel
- Tiktok Pixel, UET, GPC
Overholdelse af regler om beskyttelse af persondata
Analyser og rapportering
- GRATIS Cookie Banner For Evigt
- Automatisk Scanning af Cookies
- Tilpasset Cookie Banner
- Fravalg af Datasalg
- Anmod om Tilpasset-stil Banner
$9.95 om måneden
eller $99.50 om året, og spar 17 %
- Alt i Basic +
- Google Consent Mode V2
- Meta/ Tiktok Pixel
- Præference Popup
- Cookie Management
- GPC/ UET Consent Mode
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
$23.95 om måneden
eller $239.50 om året, og spar 17 %
- Alt i Professional+
- Automatisk Overførsel af Cookies
- Avanceret/Planlagt Cookiescanning
- Samtykkelogg
- Nulstil Brugerens Samtykkepræference
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
$34 om måneden
eller $340 om året, og spar 17 %
- Alt i Advanced +
- IAB TCF v2.2 Banner
- Checkout Banner Blok
- Automatisk Tilpasning til Tema
- Højeste Prioritet Support
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag.
Anmeldelser (1.445)
I needed some help with integrating GCM V2. I used the chat support to which Kevin & Doris were very helpful and done all that needed fixed. Highly recommend this app!
Very good app and the support is exceptional. I ran into a problem and contacted support. Tiana was very helpful and guided me through the steps we needed to take to be compliant and helped implement it. Would highly recommend. Thanks Avada and Tiana!
We've been using this app for a while now, it's easy to set up and edit to fit in with your store. Support is excellent, I've been on support chat with Lydia a few times now, any problems I've had have been solved there and then, very quickly and efficiently! Thank you.
Perfect app, Ricky helped me a lot on the cookie consent, I don't know anything about the web tech but they fix everything! Hight recommended!
Tiana was wonderful in helping me through the issues I was having with setting up the banner and making sure everything was correct. She walked me through the steps needed and made sure I understood what was happening. I would highly suggest their customer service alone, the app itself is wonderful but the customer service is a step above.
Appsupport leveres af Avada.
15. april 2022
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