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Custom shipping rates for your store. Control shipping and boost profits.
With Better Shipping you can customize how your shipping rates are calculated and shown in the Shopify checkout. By setting custom shipping rates, you can control shipping costs in order to maximize profitability. Create shipping rates for individual products and variants, restrict shipping by zip/postal codes, restrict shipping for specific products and more. Better Shipping rates are returned quickly and reliably at the checkout so you can rest easy knowing your shipping is taken care of.
- Flexible rules to suit almost every shipping scenario.
- Set individual shipping rates for each product or variant in your store.
- Restrict shipping based on zip/postal codes.
- Additional item shipping. For example, $10 for the first item, $5 for the next.
- Use shipping rules to combine shipping by product, variant, location and more.
- Důležité informace
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Štítky a balení
Řízení zásilek
Free to try
- Try the app in test mode before showing live rates to customers.
$29.99 / měsíc
- 500 orders included
- Unlimited shipping rates
- Unlimited shipping rules
- Zip code restrictions
- Per variant rates
- Personalized support
14denní zkušební verze zdarma
$49.99 / měsíc
- 1000 orders included
- Unlimited shipping rates
- Unlimited shipping rules
- Zip code restrictions
- Per variant rates
- Personalized support
14denní zkušební verze zdarma
$99.99 / měsíc
- 2500 orders included
- Unlimited shipping rates
- Unlimited shipping rules
- Zip code restrictions
- Per variant rates
- Personalized support
14denní zkušební verze zdarma
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní. Zobrazit všechny cenové možnosti
Recenze (171)
I have been using this app for the last few years and have found the support and responsiveness to be fantastic!
Peter, Jess and team have been very helpful. Helped us configure a difficult shipping scenario. Better Shipping provides a way to set up per product shipping that no others seem to.
Amazing customer service! Jess was quick to respond and got everything set up perfectly for us!
We love this app! We have a big range of shipping rules we need for our products and the app is perfect. Had an issue recently where a rule seemed to not be working as intended and Jess was super helpful and quick resolving it for us.
10/10 would recommend. Better Shipping has been such a great app choice and the team are fantastic. We needed to change our shipping process and Peter and the team were readily at hand to help us. We have over 7000 products and they have been so kind, even testing things for us. Anyone who is considering using this app I would highly urge them to consider it!
Podporu aplikace poskytuje Atom Yard.
Nebo navštivte jejich portál podporyZdroje
Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.
17. červenec 2013
Více aplikací jako je tato