Bpost app

Bpost app

À partir de $30 /mois. Essai gratuit disponible.
Note (1,0)


Conçue pour votre entreprise
  • Utilisation directe dans l’interface administrateur Shopify

À propos de cette application


9 mars 2022



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Save time by quickly creating Bpost labels and fulfilling them with the same app.

Instead of manually entering all order details to create a label, the app does this for you and you can create a Bpost label in one click. Next to it you get an overview of your labels per order to follow up and ultimately fulfill.

Instead of manually entering all order details to create a label, the app does this for you and you can create a Bpost label in one click. Next to it you get an overview of your labels per order to follow up and ultimately fulfill. plus
  • Create Bpost label in one click.
  • Fulfill the orders via the app after the labels have been sent.
  • Create custom labels for special orders.
  • App features can be used directly in the Shopify admin.
  • FAQ page and email support for questions.

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Les frais externes peuvent être facturés par Esign séparément de votre facture Shopify. En savoir plus

Basic plan

$30 / mois

  • 0 - 100 labels per month

Essai gratuit de 30 jours

Pro plan

$50 / mois

  • > 100 labels per month

Essai gratuit de 30 jours

Basic plan

$30 / mois

  • 0 - 100 labels per month

Essai gratuit de 30 jours

Pro plan

$50 / mois

  • > 100 labels per month

Essai gratuit de 30 jours

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Tous les frais sont facturés en USD. Les frais récurrents et basés sur l’utilisation sont facturés tous les 30 jours.

2 avis

Note globale
Nombre d’avis par note
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 0 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 100 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
21 mars 2023

If you ship outside of Belgium, you should avoid this app.
I'm shipping 95% outside of Belgium and the app won't authorise you to update the total weight/price of the order itself.
BPOST consider that you should weight all your products and set that in shopify.
Ok, but a package weight is not the sum of products weight. You also use carton boxes, padding etc... And given the nature of your product this can lead to a different total weight. Also the price is way to expensive for only 100 labels per month.
I'll continue to use the shipping manager for now...

6 jours d’utilisation de l’application
Esign a répondu 21 mars 2023

As previously discussed through our support, for orders outside Belgium, Bpost requires a price and weight to be provided for each item. So instead of entering it again for each label separately, the weight of the product is read from your Shopify store so that you have to configure it only once.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know at support+bpost@esign.eu

30 octobre 2023

They ask for ID and password that are not even available on your Bpost Account. One more time, a Belgian stroy ! It is time to make things easier guys !

Ponctuel Watches
9 minutes d’utilisation de l’application
Esign a répondu 17 janvier 2024

Sad to hear you weren't able to find your ID/password in Bpost's Shipping Manager. Our app explains where you can find it, but if it's not clear we can always assist in helping you find it.

À propos de cette application


9 mars 2022



Cette application n’est pas traduite en français

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Conçue par Esign

À propos de Esign

Note moyenne : 2,9

9 ans d’expérience dans la création d’applications pour l’App Store de Shopify

Coupure 620, Gent, 9000, BE


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