通过移动应用为您的时尚品牌建立更深层的客户关系。支持 iOS 和 Android。
使用 BravoShop - Mobile App Builder,您可以轻松地将您的在线商店转变为移动应用。 BravoShop 的移动应用构建器专门为时尚品牌和多品牌商店服务。 移动应用有助于吸引和保留客户,从而提高您的复购率、平均订单价值和转化率。 我们的构建器是一种快速且简便的方式来设置移动应用,发送无限量的推送通知,并给您的客户留下深刻印象。 我们期待在整个过程中帮助您。
- 将您的在线商店转变为同时支持 iOS 和 Android 的移动应用
- 发送无限量的推送通知以吸引客户并捕获收入
- 与您当前的设置集成:电子邮件营销、Meta 广告、谷歌广告等
- 完全可定制以匹配您品牌的身份
- 在不到 15 分钟内在您自己的手机上测试,60 分钟内准备启动
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
- 对所有开发和合作伙伴商店免费
- 视觉无代码应用构建器
- 技术支持
- 在您自己和客户的手机上测试应用
$29 /月
- 视觉无代码应用构建器
- 在您自己的手机上测试您的应用
- 发送测试推送通知
- 技术支持
14 天免费试用
$99 /月
或 $990/年(可节省 17%)
- 将您的应用发布到 iOS 和 Android
- 无限的手动、计划和自动推送通知
- 放弃购物车推送通知
14 天免费试用
$499 /月
或 $4,990/年(可节省 17%)
- 多种语言和货币
- 专属应用经理
- 自定义模块
14 天免费试用
Working with Lukas was an excellent experience. He is consistently competent and helpful. All issues were resolved within a reasonable time frame. Highly recommends using BravoShop.
Using BravoShop is the perfect way for us to launch an App for our ecommerce, without having to do a huge investment. I had a very possitive experience working with the BravoShop tool as well as the onboarding and support team from BravoShop. Always very professional, and fast feedback to issues and feature-request. All my best recommendations goes out to BravoShop!
Congratulations on the app launch! We greatly appreciate the positive review, thank you so much.
Happy to hear that you had a great experience with our onboarding. :-)
- Lukas
Best and most simple phone app builder. Works nice with play store and ios. Connects seemlesly with your Shopify store, and uses your Shopify payment gateway. They have great service, and are willing to invest in the development of the app.
BravoShop is an easy way for us to add value to our customers. The app is easy to configure and design.
We are very grateful for Lukas and his help. He is very competent and always tries very hard to process our requests as quickly as possible. Many individual wishes have already been implemented by him.
Thank you for the review, and congratulations on your app launch!
Glad to hear you had a great experience! :-)
Super nem og intuitiv platform at arbejde på. Builder kan tilgåes fra både pc og mobil, så man kan redigere appen on the go, hvilket for mig giver et nemmere arbejds flow.
Sjældent har jeg mødt så god support, og alle udfordringer eller forlag til ændringer er blevet mødt og løst på meget kort tid!
Jeg har haft appen oppe live i en uge nu, og har kun fået positive tilbagemeldinger iforhold til udseende og brugervenlighed.
Bare muligheden for push notifikationer er alle pengene værd!
Tillykke med udgivelsen af din app! Vi sætter vi stor pris på den gode anmeldelse - tusind tak for det.
Vi glæder os til fortsat at levere god service. :-)
- Lukas
BravoShop 可以回答您关于 BravoShop ‑ Mobile App Builder 的任何问题。