Discount apps

Get them in the door with a great deal. Create and manage discount codes and blowout sales.

404 apps
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5.0 out of 5 stars 1 total reviews 14-day free trial
Volumes, Bundles, Cross-sell, BOGO, BULK, Mix'n'match & more!
5.0 out of 5 stars 1 total reviews Free plan available
customize the Thank You page to upsell and reconvert customers
1.0 out of 5 stars 1 total reviews From $5/month
Make Sale Easy with Super Simple Sale App.
30-day free trial
Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value With bLoyal!
Free plan available
Boost your promotion offers with widget & banner on your store
7-day free trial
Custom discounts based on groups and reward customers
5.0 out of 5 stars 4 total reviews 3-day free trial
Craft Personalized Offers that Drive Customer Engagement
5.0 out of 5 stars 1 total reviews 14-day free trial
Reduce your returns and build brand loyalty
3-day free trial
Cart Subtotal discount to maximize sales and AOV
3-day free trial
Enhance Sales Strategy: Precision-Targeted Discounting
30-day free trial
Tap once to add multiple items to orders.
Free plan available
Create member discounts and prepaid packages.
5.0 out of 5 stars 1 total reviews 7-day free trial
Sale & Discount Automated Scheduler
1.9 out of 5 stars 13 total reviews 5-day free trial
Increase the price and decrease discount in real time!
Free plan available
Create bundle discounts with promotional banners & sales clock
14-day free trial
Tiered Pricing, Bulk, Volume & Quantity Break Discount
Allow your customers to shop while helping a good cause
Apply fixed discount on variant level
15-day free trial
Stack discounts with rules by variant, attributes & exclusions
30-day free trial
Retain and engage your customers.
Free plan available
Recent Sales Pop-ups for Social Proof
30-day free trial
Turn one customer into two by sharing automated discount codes
Free plan available
Customizable popups for coupons and email signups
5.0 out of 5 stars 5 total reviews 5-day free trial
Boost sales & AOV with cart upsells & other discount types!
404 apps

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