Customer accounts apps

Encourage customers to keep coming back with special deals and just-for-them services.

320 apps
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7-day free trial
Become GDPR compliant in 2 steps
5.0 out of 5 stars 2 total reviews Free plan available
Bingage- No-Code Customer Loyalty, Reward & Referral
1.0 out of 5 stars 2 total reviews Free plan available
Smartbis: Loyalty Marketing
7-day free trial
Advance customer accounts with mobile number login one click
3-day free trial
Enable Secure Account Deletion & Automated Notifications .
7-day free trial
Add Additional Fields to Customer Registration Form
7-day free trial
Wishlist : Let Customer Save Their Favourites In The Wishlist
Free plan available
WishVogue offers wishlist option on all the pages of the site
7-day free trial
You can log in to your favorite social media app with just one
4.0 out of 5 stars 2 total reviews 15-day free trial
Let customers Edit, Cancel, Return, Reorder & Track shipment
Run tailored loyalty programs in your store
Free plan available
Get Discount coupons using points
With AnyID you really get to know your target group
7-day free trial
Let customer sign up on the checkout page
$99 one-time charge
Single Sign In and Age Verification
7-day free trial
It's a 100% passwordless login solution for your customers
One-touch 2FA for robust, password-free authentications.
5.0 out of 5 stars 3 total reviews 5-day free trial
Engage more customers with animated signup login page template
5.0 out of 5 stars 1 total reviews Free
Customised loyalty program to earn points and redeem points.
From $6.90/month
Get email and SMS marketing permissions
7-day free trial
Elevate shopping with a streamlined wishlist experience
30-day free trial
Incentivise and grow your communities
Drive repeat purchase rate with powerful loyalty & rewards
Free to install
Increases customer lifetime value with an AI personal shopper.
320 apps

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