Buddify: Wholesale & Dropship
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Samarbeta med andra butiker och låt dem sälja dina produkter medan du säljer deras.
Hitta dina Buddies och börja sälja tillsammans! Marknadsför och sälj dina produkter i andra butiker för att locka nya kunder. Erbjud nya produkter i din butik utan att köpa lager. Expandera och diversifiera ditt produktsortiment, öka ditt genomsnittliga ordervärde och hindra dina kunder från att gå till andra butiker. Öka dina försäljningar och konverteringsfrekvenser genom försäljning över butiker. Testa nya produktidéer, samla värdefulla datainsikter och fatta bättre affärsbeslut. Gå med idag och börja budda upp!
- Sälj dina produkter i andra Shopify-butiker & Hitta varumärkesambassadörer.
- Bygg partnerskap och hitta kompletterande produkter för din butik.
- Sälj och köp partihandel (B2B) & Sälj på Buddy Marketplace (D2C).
- Källa och Dropship rabatterade produkter med ett klick från toppmärken.
- Snabb lokal frakt, automatisk orderhantering, märkesfakturering, vinnande produkter.
Innehåller automatöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Populär bland företag i USA
- Använd direkt i Shopify-admin
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Vilka produkter du kan köpa in
Gratis att installera
*Butiker som säljer CBD- & Hampaprodukter måste använda tredjepartsbetalningsportaler istället för Shopify Payments.
- Bläddra i flödet
- Köp partihandel
- Trendande produkter
- Leverantörsförslag
- Inga provisioner
$35 /månad
eller $72/år och spara 83 %
- Leverera 25 produkter
- Importera 5 produkter
- 10 varumärkespartnerskap
- Köp & sälj partihandel
- Sälj på Buddy Marketplace
- Inga provisioner
Buddy PRO
$45 /månad
eller $108/år och spara 80 %
- Leverera 250 produkter
- Importera 50 produkter
- 25 varumärkespartnerskap
- Köp & sälj partihandel
- Sälj på Buddy Marketplace
- Inga provisioner
Buddy Premium
$55 /månad
eller $168/år och spara 75 %
- Leverera 10 000 produkter
- Importera 250 produkter
- OBEGÄNSADE varumärkespartnerskap
- Köp & sälj partihandel
- Sälj på Buddy Marketplace
- Inga provisioner
Innehåller automatöversatt text
Alla avgifter debiteras i USD. Återkommande och användningsbaserade avgifter faktureras var 30:e dag. Se alla prisalternativ
Recensioner (100)
I love the idea of partnering with other brands. There are many quality brands within the app, and it would be even better to have more retailers joining. Then, it would be perfect.
We were charged a week early due to notifying buddify of a services cancelation inquiry & never received any accommodation using the app.
We use Shopify as our payment service, so we do not directly charge our customers. Instead, Shopify collects Buddify charges along with your monthly Shopify invoice. You activated your subscription on July 18th, and if we handled payments ourselves, you would have been charged on that date. However, your subscription was invoiced on August 12th along with your Shopify monthly fee, collected by Shopify. In fact, you were charged three weeks later than most other apps would have charged. While we're having difficulty pinpointing the issue, we understand that some customers might need to vent, and that's perfectly okay.
They force you to pay 1 year up front. I tried it out and have gotten zero partnerships. Very quiet and inactive platform. Save your money.
We offer free plans, as well as monthly and yearly plans, which are used by thousands of our customers. We do not force anyone to pay for a plan, let alone a yearly one. You chose to subscribe to our yearly plan to benefit from discounts. You’ve been with us for less than 3 months, and I see that you already have one retailer partner attempting to sell your products. Buddify serves as a platform to showcase your products to various brands and stores; it’s ultimately up to them whether they choose to sell your products on your behalf or purchase wholesale from you. Being proactive is crucial on Buddify, but I’ve noticed you haven't made any effort to partner with other brands. We’re sorry to hear that things didn’t meet your expectations in the first two months, but much of the information you’ve shared is incorrect and misleading.
Buddify helped me expand my product range and boosted my sales without extra inventory. Partnering with other stores has brought in new customers and higher order values. Highly recommend!
Buddify works in real-time, ensuring that your inventory is always up-to-date. This feature has led to increased sales and better site organization
Thank you for the great review. We are delighted to have you as part of the Buddify community.
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16 januari 2023