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Automatiser masseændringer på tusindvis af produkter, planlæg masseændringer og fortryd ændringer efter salgets afslutning
Undgå fejl og spar tid med Ablestar, den sikre måde at håndtere produktdata på. Masseændr tusindvis af produkter, samlinger, priser, metafelter, Google shopping data og mere med nøjagtighed. Tag kontrol over masseændringsprocessen med forhåndsvisninger og overvågning af fremskridt. Brug en fortryd-knap til at vende tilbage efter salg er afsluttet. Bulk Product Editor kan foretage engangsændringer, uploade regneark eller konfigurere automatiseringer for at spare tid ved at automatisere ændringer i masse. Brug versionskontrol til at overvåge hvem og hvornår ændringer forekommer.
- Masseændr produkter nøjagtigt med forhåndsvisninger af masseændringer, fremskridt og en fortryd-mulighed
- Masseændr regneark: Ingen omformatering nødvendig eller rediger uden regneark
- Eksporter hurtigt ubegrænsede produkter til formater: CSV, Excel og Matrixify / Excelify
- Lager Sync: Hold leverandørprodukter opdateret fra Google Drive/Dropbox/FTP/URL
- Automatiser masseændring af priser: Planlæg udsalg med start- og slutdatoer, fortryd bagefter
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Google Shopping, Google Drive, FTP / SFTP, Dropbox, Google SheetsKategorier
Redigerbare ressourcer
Notifikationer og rapporter
- 10 produktgrænse for ændringer, eksporter og importer
- Ubegrænsede ændringer
- På en udviklingsbutik? Ingen produktgrænser indtil du lancerer
$30 om måneden
- Ubegrænsede produkter pr. opgave
- 60-dages historik for masseændringer
- 1 lager sync job
- Planlagte ændringer
- Rediger flere felter på én gang
$60 om måneden
- 5 tilbagevendende ændringer
- 90-dages historik for masseændringer
- 5 lager sync jobs
- 5 planlagte eksporter
- 5 automatiske produktregler
- Kodeuddrag
$120 om måneden
- 20 tilbagevendende ændringer
- 180-dages historik for masseændringer
- 10 lager sync jobs
- 20 planlagte eksporter
- 20 automatiske produktregler
- Kodeuddrag
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (491)
Our company uses the product all day, every day as a vital piece of our multi-store e-commerce platform. It's an invaluable tool that we could not go without. Support has been fantastic, and the program works as advertised. One suggestion I have for the developers though - please don't make drastic changes without notifying users ahead of time. This week's complete make-over was a surprise that left us hanging and unable to run our stores until the old version was restored.
Ablestar is absolutely fantastic! It allows me to do the work equivalent to 5 team members with their bulk edit app. Everything is clear and easy to understand. Support is fantastic and the only time I contact them is to suggest a new feature AND they listen. This app is the bar that I compare all other apps to regardless of their function. I've been using Ablestar for at about 3 years now and I couldn't run my business without their app. 10 stars!
This is a really useful app and I use for importing third party stock levels via FTP and it's great for exporting and editing product information. I recently had an issue where all Metafields were not showing as options to edit and it was fixed by the team within an hour of asking. Great service.
Lots of potential. But everytime I make temporary changes, it never reverts back to the old pricing. This has happened almost EVERY time. Really frustrating.. considering this is supposed to save me time
I'm very sorry you're having problems with the prices on your store. We want the app to be the fastest and safest way to manage product data on Shopify and I understand how frustrating it can be when something as important as pricing doesn't work as expected.
Because pricing is so important the app keeps a record all price changes, even those changed outside of the app. If you can get back to us with some of the details we asked about we can look through the logs to see what's going on.
Additionally you mentioned that pricing issues persisted after you stopped making edits with our app so it's possible another app or integration is causing issues. If you reply to our message we can check with Shopify support to figure out who is causing those changes.
Daniel and the Ablestar team
I’ve been using the Ablestar app, and I can’t recommend it highly enough! The bulk editor and filtering options are incredibly powerful, making it easy to manage large efficiently. The level of customization available is impressive, allowing me to tailor the app to fit my specific needs perfectly.
Additionally, the support team is top-notch—responsive and helpful whenever I've had questions or needed assistance. Changes and updates are implemented quickly, which makes my workflow seamless. Overall, Ablestar has significantly streamlined my processes, and I’m grateful for such a reliable tool!
Ablestar kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende Ablestar Bulk Product Editor.
31. juli 2017 · Ændringslog