Bulk Sale Price Panel

Bulk Sale Price Panel

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Quadracode Srl

Apply a percent discount on your WHOLE store, on intere collection or on selected products.

Filter your shop products with a text search or a filter on the collection, then enter a percentage and click on the "apply discount" button. The app allows also to restore the original price because the price is moved to the "compare at price" field for every product in sale. Clicking on the "restore original prices" will move the content of this field into the discounted price, overwriting it. Please be careful using this app: with great power comes great responsibility!

Filter your shop products with a text search or a filter on the collection, then enter a percentage and click on the "apply discount" button. The app allows also to restore the original price because the price is moved to the "compare at price" field for every product in sale. Clicking on the "restore original prices" will move the content of this field into the discounted price, overwriting it. Please be careful using this app: with great power comes great responsibility! mehr
  • You can apply a % discount on all the products of your Shopify store
  • Choose a collection to apply a % discount on all the products that are inside
  • Filter your shop products with a text search and apply a discount on them

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Für diese App ist keine Übersetzung auf Deutsch vorhanden.


Standard plan

$10 / Monat

oder $100/Jahr mit einer Ersparnis von 17 %

Enthält unübersetzten Text

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Alle Gebühren werden in USD berechnet. Wiederkehrende und nutzungsabhängige Gebühren werden alle 30 Tage in Rechnung gestellt.


Anzahl pro Bewertungsstufe
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 5 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 4 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 3 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 2 Sterne
  • 0 % der Bewertungen sind 1 Sterne
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App-Support von Quadracode Srl


Dieser Entwickler bietet keinen direkten Support auf Deutsch an.


Quadracode Srl

via Bardonecchia, 81, Torino, TO, 10139, IT


30. Juni 2021

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