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Sælg mere med Køb-knapper. Opret hurtigt og nemt betalingslinks til produkter eller kollektioner.
Opret en Køb-knap til produkter eller kollektioner, og føj den til et website eller en blog. Brug editoren for Køb-knappen til at matche dit brands stil og farver, og kopiér og indsæt derefter HTML-koden på din foretrukne platform. Du kan også oprette links til hurtig betaling, der sender handlende direkte til din betalingsside. Vælg et enkelt produkt og en enkelt variant, og kopiér derefter dit link til en mail, en direkte besked eller et opslag på sociale medier.
- Lad handlende betale straks på ethvert website eller enhver blog.
- Promover dine produkter til besøgende på din blog eller dit website.
- Tilpas skrifttyper, farver og layout, så det passer til dit website.
- Opdater produktoplysninger fra Shopify uden at redigere koden på dit website.
- Spor salget på startsiderne for salgsoversigt og analyser.
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
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Anmeldelser (397)
This is a wonderful app, and with the help from the Support Team i was able to edit it the code for my requirement wherein i wanted the buttons to redirect to my website product pages.
Hi there. Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback. I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the Buy Button Channel. You can certainly create a buy button that's directed to a specific product or details. It will however, require coding changes to be made. To complete this, you can check out this Guide: If you have any questions or are experiencing any troubles, please feel free to connect with our Live Support: - Blair, Shopify Support
The buy button has two main shortcomings. The first is that there is no way to add the cart on the side of the page to a whole website. It only shows up on pages where there is another buy button. So if you had a Wordpress site, the cart button will not follow the user as they navigate.
The second issue is a bigger one. If your customer is in the cart and clicks the logo to go back to the full shopify page, the cart contents don't follow. So a person might put a few items in the cart on a Wordpress site, click the link to the storefront, then have nothing in the cart. They might shop more, not realizing it, and purchase just the additional items.
It does work really well, though for products. The cart link on the side of the page is nice, it is well designed, and it is connects with other products on the same site really well.
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We will absolutely log that for future consideration. -Olivia, Shopify Support
Awesome Tool for marketing outside of Shopify with links.
Le concept est super, mais le problème c'est que, quand on met un produit dans le panier, ça ne va pas dans le panier shopify mais un autre panier. Donc le client peut avoir 2 paniers en même temps qui ne se synchronise pas. Dommage car c'est une super application. Faites-la marcher correctement s'il vous plait, elle est mega importante pour développer son business
The Shopify Buy Button is a valuable tool for expanding your reach and making your products accessible across various platforms. Give it a try and enhance your online presence!
Shopify kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende Buy Button channel.
151 O’Connor St, Ottawa, ON, ON, CA
Denne udvikler tilbyder ikke direkte support på Dansk.
12. januar 2012
Denne app skal have adgang til følgende data for at kunne fungere i din butik. Se hvorfor i udviklerens politik om beskyttelse af persondata.
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Kunder, butiksejer
Navn, mailadresse, telefonnummer, fysisk adresse, geolocation
Navn, mailadresse, telefonnummer, fysisk adresse
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Kunder, produkter, Webshop
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