让客户自己创建他们梦想的产品。CAI Printful Customizer 实现了这一功能。
让您的客户设计他们自己的 Printful 产品。无论是 T 恤、连帽衫、海报、画布印刷品或其他产品。使用 CAI Printful Customizer,所有 Printful 产品都可以在几分钟内变成完全可定制的产品。提供 300 多种按需打印产品。每个产品都会生成实时模型,立即向您的客户展示他们设计的结果。使用我们的 AI 滤镜和 3D 模型,将您的商店提升到一个新的水平。
- 轻松上传和编辑图像。
- 将图像转换为梵高、克里姆特或波普艺术风格的艺术品。
- 探索全球任何地点,创建地图图片并根据您的喜好进行编辑。
- 生成产品模型或将图像放置在 3D 模型上,增添专业感。
- AI 图像优化:增强和升级图像以获得完美的打印质量。
- 亮点
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
We have preconfigured hundreds of T-shirts and other garments in Printful. Price changes or design changes are therefore cumbersome and time-consuming. With the CAI Customizer, we only have to create each product once and upload our graphics. The customer places the graphic themselves on the product they want to buy. Ingenious.
Before, we had around 20 artists, each with 4-5 designs, and each design was available on about 10 products, totaling around 1,000 products. Maintaining all of this was very time-consuming. Now, we have approximately 100 products where customers can choose and order the artists' designs themselves. So, while we technically offer about 10,000 products, we only need to manage 100.
We love the customization options this app provides! One of the best parts is the ability to restrict customers to only using our designs, which is a crucial feature for our business
Five stars! For the last few years, I've been looking in the app store to see if there's anything like this customizer, but I've always been disappointed. But then bam. I have no idea why nobody has programmed it yet. Customers want to design things themselves, otherwise there wouldn't be any T-shirt stores out there.
We've tried several apps with a similar structure, but we have not found one that offers so many options. And the setup is usually much more complicated.
应用支持由 Zuane oHG 提供。