想轻松将WooCommerce转移到Shopify吗?Cart2Cart WooCommerce Import App是实现平稳安全过渡的终极解决方案。这个全自动的WooCommerce到Shopify迁移工具允许您迁移店铺数据——产品、客户、订单、评论等——无需技术专长或额外软件。 通过我们直观的界面,任何人都可以在几个简单步骤中将WooCommerce迁移到Shopify。
- 非技术用户和开发人员都可以充分利用此应用。
- 通过此应用迁移无需编码技能或额外软件。
- 此应用支持广泛的实体和附加选项。
- 只有在对演示结果满意时,您才会启动完整的数据库迁移。
- 我们的应用导入基本数据并允许从扩展中转移数据。
- WooCommerce
I attempted to use this app to save some time in my migration. I could have done the migration manually in the time this took to go through. They use a 3rd party checkout that that wasn't functioning properly and they made me reach out to their checkout system separately and open tickets with them. Headache. Stay away and find something else.
Great App - used it to migrate woo commerce customers and orders - worked perfectly. Highly recommend
Thanks for your feedback! Much appreciated)
Migration worked without issue. However, when some updates were needed and to re-run the migration their team was unhelpful and in fact hung up on our chat multiple times citing "internet problems". When they finally connected they said to create a new one, which would charge me almost $400 (a second time). They did offer a 7% discount....umm really? STAY AWAY
Hi there!
Please accept our apologies for the inconveniences .
Concerning the live chat - our Team members are working remotely, and Internet connection issues or power ...
应用支持由 Cart2Cart 提供。