

210 個應用程式
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2.1 滿分 5 顆星 共有 12 則評價 免費
Loyalty Program + Product Reviews + Truly Multilingual
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1 則評價 免費
Streamline Your Loyalty with Automated Rewards and Upgrades
4.6 滿分 5 顆星 共有 8 則評價 每月 $15 起
Grow customer loyalty, frequency and happiness with rewards
3.3 滿分 5 顆星 共有 4 則評價 提供免費試用
Retain your customers and get more repeat purchases
1.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1 則評價 免費
Turning your customers into Loyalty Members!
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1 則評價 提供免費試用
Multiply customer loyalty with memberships
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 2 則評價 提供免費方案
Boost AOV via tiered loyalty programs with cashback/discounts
Streamline the rewards workflow for Berify customers.
Increased Customer Engagement and Sales
Convert, retain and reward with digital coins
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 2 則評價 免費安裝
Pay as you go reward program to drive customer retention
1.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1 則評價 免費
Programme de fidélité & SMS Marketing pour votre site en ligne
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1 則評價 提供免費方案
Customer program for Loyalty, Rewards, Points & Referrals
Get Discount coupons using points
Boostez vos ventes grâce à la recommandation de vos clients !
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 5 則評價 免費安裝
Turn your customers into your sales force.
Create a personalized omnichannel experience across channels
Increase loyalty to your brand with rewards as store credits.
Loyalty, Rewards, Coupons, Gamification to increase sales!
Increase revenue by selling digital membership cards and perks
Increase average transaction value and customer engagement.
5.0 滿分 5 顆星 共有 1 則評價 提供免費試用
Referral Program Software That Works As Hard As You Do
每月 $250
Create a ripple effect using your new customer community.
210 個應用程式
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