Email marketing apps

Send the kind of emails, texts, and chats that get people to buy again. And again.

227 apps
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7-day free trial
14-day free trial
Easy to use email for customer retention
7-day free trial
Acquire more email addresses with a simple & powerful solution
Free plan available
Connect & automate workflows between store & Lob
Install HelpGrid today and fix your shopping cart abandonment
45-day free trial
Fully tweakable & seductive email quotations from your shop.
1.6 out of 5 stars 3 total reviews Free to install
CRM and marketing automation for e-commerce
14-day free trial
Add reorder links on-site, in Klaviyo & in purchase emails
Free to install
Communicate with customers using email, social media or text.
Free to install
Predicts what each consumer is most likely to purchase next
Free plan available
Design beautiful email campaigns for your e-commerce
227 apps

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