Galerij met uitgelichte afbeeldingen
Geef je klanten deelbare digitale verzamelobjecten bij elke aankoop.
Je klant heeft net besteld. Ze zijn 🤩 ENTHOUSIAST 🤩 maar het enige wat ze kunnen doen is wachten tot hun bestelling aankomt. Niet langer! Met CENT kun je je klanten gratis, limited edition verzamelobjecten geven bij elke aankoop. Digitale verzamelobjecten geven shoppers een geheel nieuwe manier om hun aankoop te laten zien – zelfs voordat deze per post arriveert.
- Verzamelobjecten worden automatisch aangemaakt bij elke bestelling.
- Shoppers hebben de optie om te verzamelen na het afrekenen.
- Winkels verdienen royalty's als hun verzamelobjecten worden doorverkocht.
Bevat automatisch vertaalde tekst
Recensies (3)
- 100% recensies zijn 5 sterren
0% recensies zijn 4 sterren
0% recensies zijn 3 sterren
0% recensies zijn 2 sterren
0% recensies zijn 1 sterren
A year ago, we embarked on our inaugural venture into digital collectibles, which proved immensely popular with our community. However, as demand surged, we encountered a bottleneck: the time-consuming process of integrating NFTs onto the blockchain and coordinating the delivery of physical products alongside digital collectibles, consuming at least 30 minutes per unit.
As the year progressed, it became evident that our digital collectibles project under Piet's banner was not just a passing trend but a permanent fixture. With this realization, we made the strategic decision to forge an alliance with the Cent crew because of their commitment to developing a tailored and profitable solution aligned perfectly with our business objectives.
We're still integrated with the Cent plugin into our Shopify store because the results were astounding; the "Mint to Delivery" time plummeted to zero. The plugin seamlessly merge our standard processes for publishing, selling, and delivering products from the Piet store.
Here's to the continued success of Cent and its state-of-the-art products.
We recently integrated the CENT app into our Shopify platform, and the experience has been nothing short of exceptional. The ease with which we were able to integrate and the app's straightforward integration process made the process hassle-free.
The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, and the process of claiming collectibles is straightforward, enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.
The customer service has consistently gone above and beyond to address our queries and customize the app to meet our specific needs.
Our customers also love the new offering of a digital collectible!
The CENT application was easy to set up and was an awesome addition to our customer experience after the purchase. 5 stars
Cent kan al je vragen beantwoorden over CENT Collectible Digital Twins.
315 Montgomery Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, IL, 94104, US
24 augustus 2023
Toegang tot gegevens
Deze app heeft toegang nodig tot de volgende gegevens om goed te kunnen werken in je winkel. Ontdek waarom in het privacybeleid van de ontwikkelaar.
Persoonsgegevens bekijken:
Naam, e-mailadres, telefoonnummer, fysiek adres
Winkelgegevens bekijken:
Producten bekijken
Producten or collecties