Shopify Combined Listings

Shopify Combined Listings

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2.3 (9)

Better merchandise products that come in multiple options, with Shopify Combined Listings

Give your buyers the product info they’re looking for by showcasing your products that come in multiple colors, materials or lengths all from the same product listing. With Shopify Combined Listings, each product variation can have its own unique title, image carousel and descriptive URL. This more visual and compelling customer experience will give your shoppers the confidence they need to convert. Available on Plus and enterprise commerce plans.

Give your buyers the product info they’re looking for by showcasing your products that come in multiple colors, materials or lengths all from the same product listing. With Shopify Combined Listings, each product variation can have its own unique title, image carousel and descriptive URL. This more visual and compelling customer experience will give your shoppers the confidence they need to convert. Available on Plus and enterprise commerce plans. 더 보기
  • Easily create combined listings directly from the Shopify admin
  • Showcase unique titles, descriptions and rich media galleries for each variation
  • Simply un-publish and re-publish variations as needed
  • Maximize SEO with distinct and descriptive URLs for each variation
  • Offer a cohesive buyer experience from a single product details page
미국의 비즈니스에서 인기 있는 앱
Shopify 관리자에서 바로 사용 가능


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견본, 이형 상품 표시

가격 책정

이형 상품 추가 요금


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리뷰 (9)

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평점 수준당 개수
  • 평점의 22%가 별 5개입니다
  • 평점의 11%가 별 4개입니다
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  • 평점의 11%가 별 2개입니다
  • 평점의 56%가 별 1개입니다
2024년 7월 11일

Nice idea but it still doesnt get around shopifys 100 variant issue. If you combine multiple products together it will only show the first 100 variants and then cuts off the rest which makes it basically useless for us

Locks Lash Australia
앱 사용 기간 26일
답글 Shopify개 2024년 7월 17일

Hi there, the issue you are facing is likely due to the fact that your theme needs to be updated.

- If you’re using a theme from the Shopify Theme Store, check your theme listing to see if it includes support for combined listings. If you are unsure, please reach out to your theme developer for support. All free OS2 themes by Shopify version 15.0.0 or higher are compatible with Combined Listings.

- If you’re using a custom theme, you’ll need to update your theme code, either in-house or with a Shopify partner, you can do so following these instructions:

2024년 7월 15일

Unfortunately, this app has significant limitations:

- It creates a new product listing to combine existing products, which I prefer to avoid.
- It doesn't adjust the listed price when one of the variants is selected.
- It only shows one product image for each combined listing (variant).

I was hoping to combine multiple individual products to improve SEO for existing pages, but unfortunately, this extension won't help with that.

Elite Truck
앱 사용 기간 19일
답글 Shopify개 2024년 7월 19일

Hi there—thanks for your feedback. In order to display a combined listing properly to your buyers, your theme must be updated.

- If you’re using a custom theme, you’ll need to update your theme code, either in-house or with a Shopify partner, you can do so following these instructions:

- If you’re using a theme from the Shopify Theme Store, check your theme listing to see if it includes support for combined listings. If you are unsure, please reach out to your theme developer for support. All free OS2 themes by Shopify version 15.0.0 or higher are compatible with Combined Listings

2024년 7월 20일

Very frustrating to set up, because it does not work. We are on Shopify Plus and even support cannot assist and blame it on the developer. We joined Shopify Plus to use this feature specifically. You combine listings and the images won't transfer, theres a glitch.

Tale Of Knives
앱 사용 기간 4일
답글 Shopify개 2024년 8월 6일

Hi there, apologize for any frustrations. It’s possible that the issue you’re facing is related to the fact that you need to update your theme.

If you’re using a theme from the Shopify Theme Store, check your theme listing to see if it includes support for combined listings. If you are unsure, please reach out to your theme developer for support.

All free OS2 themes by Shopify version 15.0.0 or higher are compatible with Combined Listings.

2024년 7월 20일에 편집됨

We are using the Dawn 13.0.1 theme from Shopify which should be compatible with Combined Listings. In the Shopify help I don't find any limitation of variants and according to the support answer here in the reviews it should work. For example, we have 20 colours and 15 sizes per model. Only one part is displayed here, the rest is shown as not available. So unfortunately the app is of no use to us if there is a restriction on the variants. What a pity!!!

Thank you for the reply and the information about the update to Dawn 15.0.0. We have carried out the update, but unfortunately only around 250 of the approx. 300 variants are displayed. For all others, either the color or individual sizes are crossed out and cannot be selected. Can you please check this and help us?

앱 사용 기간 4일
답글 Shopify개 2024년 7월 19일

Hi there—thanks for your feedback! Dawn must be updated to version 15.0.0 to work correctly with Combined Listings. This help article has additional information about theme requirements for Combined Listings:

2024년 7월 19일

Very basic, and should just be something thats a feature built into shop.... also doesn't work very well, at least for us as the price does not update or sync. It's not meant for companies that have alot of variation and skus.

Americana Pipedream Apparel
앱 사용 기간 2일
답글 Shopify개 2024년 8월 2일

Hi there, thanks for your feedback! The syncing and price issues you are facing are likely due to the fact that your theme needs to be updated.

- If you’re using a theme from the Shopify Theme Store, check your theme listing to see if it includes support for combined listings. If you are unsure, please reach out to your theme developer for support. All free OS2 themes by Shopify version 15.0.0 or higher are compatible with Combined Listings.

- If you’re using a custom theme, you’ll need to update your theme code, either in-house or with a Shopify partner, you can do so following these instructions:


Shopify에서 Shopify Combined Listings에 대한 회원님의 모든 질문에 답변해 드릴 수 있습니다.



151 O’Connor St, Ottawa, ON, ON, CA


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2024년 6월 21일

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