Common Ninja Comparison Tables
- 定价
- 亮点
- 适用于最新模板
- 评分
- 4.4 (5)
- 开发人员
- Common Ninja

在网上,用户最关键的活动之一就是比较几个提供的特性和机会。比较表格允许快速且容易地比较提供的特性和特点。 比较表格帮助您的客户可视化您的商店中呈现的不同服务或产品特性,并在它们之间进行比较。比较表格提供了一种简单的方式来比较产品特性的能力。
- 搜索和排序选项,进一步使您的用户能够获取信息。
- 浮动元素,保持列和行标题的位置固定。
- 对于非常长的比较表格,提供分页选项。
- 简单的CSV到表格转换
- 完全响应式,无论是在桌面还是移动设备上都看起来很棒。
- 亮点
- 适用于最新模板
- 300次浏览
- 2个表格
- 每个表格10行
- 每个表格6列
$5 /月
- 2,000次浏览
- 20个表格
- 每个表格100行
- 每个表格10列
- 无品牌广告
$10 /月
- 100,000次浏览
- 100个表格
- 每个表格500行
- 每个表格50列
- 无品牌广告
- 导入CSV
- 粘性标题
- 搜索
- 分页
$15 /月
- 3,000,000次浏览
- 1,000个表格
- 每个表格10,000行
- 每个表格250列
- 无品牌广告
- 自定义CSS
- 导入CSV
- 粘性标题
- 搜索
- 分页
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
Beste App für Vergleiche, hoffe App erhält mehr Aufmerksamkeit da sie wirklich 5/5 ist!!
Vielen Dank für Ihre nette Bewertung, wir wissen das wirklich zu schätzen ❤️
Thanks you so much for your kind review, we really appreciate it ❤️
Very good!
I've been looking for a good tables app, wasn't really comfortable at the start to install Common Ninja because of the low number of reviews. I tried around 6 to 7 apps and none of them worked for me. They either were hard to use or lacked some features.
So eventually I installed Ninja, there was an issue that the left column were disappearing for some reason, and their support fixed it right away.
The App Has so many features, very customizable in fonts, colors, borders etc and super friendly to use.
Really happy we found them.
Thank you so much for the review 🤩
I just installed it and I am going to try it.
But I don't understand if the App really does what it promises on the highest levels, why doesn't it have 5000 downloads and 200 reviews?
Don't get it!
I will give you 5 stars even I didn't use it yet.
Thanks for the review!
And that's a great question :) We're not actively collecting reviews from our customers, that's why we don't have 200 reviews. But that's definitely something we should start doing.
Bien que l'interface de création de tableaux soit conviviale, j'ai eu du mal à afficher les tableaux que j'ai créés sur toutes mes pages de produits. De plus, 10 $ par mois semble assez cher, et la limite de 2000 vues par mois est rapidement dépassée, nécessitant une mise à niveau vers un plan de niveau supérieur. Je pense que cette application a été quelque peu négligée par rapport à vos autres applications qui fonctionnent de manière transparente.
Thanks for the feedback, for premium users there's no page views limitation anymore.
As for displaying the tables in product pages, we actually have a tutorial for that in our help center:
If there's anything else we can help you with, please let us know :)
应用支持由 Common Ninja 提供。