추천 이미지 갤러리
The only no-code, pay-as-you-go A/B testing software for conversion rate optimization
Compose offers simple, no-code A/B testing to optimize your website. Effortlessly split test themes or templates with unlimited variants, giving you maximum flexibility to lift conversion rates and gain customer insights. No base fees, just $0.0012 per monthly tested user. Compose is a user-friendly, affordable alternative to Convert, AB Tasty, VWO, and Optimizely, with advanced settings for any level of A/B testing needs.
- Theme testing for sitewide changes like navigation and branding updates
- Split test product pages, landing pages, collections, and more
- Code editor for A/B/n tests with Javascript variants
- Run unlimited experiments with unlimited variants
- Audience segmentation and custom trigger conditions
- 하이라이트
- 최신 테마와 작동
무료 설치
$0.0012 per tested user on an A/B test experiment, + optional monthly product charges
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스토어 소유자
이름, 이메일 주소, 전화번호, 실제 주소
콘텐츠 공급자
이메일 주소, IP 주소, 브라우저 및 운영 체제
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