Reseñas (224)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 89% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 9% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
Fecha de modificación: 26 de octubre de 2018

This Coupon Pop is very Nice. I like the little tab on the side that gives the person a choice to look at the popup. But the Pop up itself is very simple. I think for the price ($9.99 a month) I would expect more options. I have seen a lot of other Apps that cost way more $$$ but they tend to have more options. Needless to say I am not sure about the $$ I think I will look around and check out other options before I decide. All and all the Coupon is very nice and customer service is decent. So it all you want is a simple coupon pop design this may work for you. Today was my last day to decide if I wanted to keep it after the free trial and I think I'll pass for now. I might come back after I see what other options there are, as for feedback perhaps more options and looks for the pop. If there are more options and looks you should have a better way of showing that because I wasnt able to find them.

VaLlarey's Drobe
Estados Unidos
3 meses usando la aplicación
28 de agosto de 2024

Pros: customer friendly, does its function / Cons: it doesn't verify their e-mail and it says powered by store which makes it look unprofessional, might not be AS personalizable.

Niora Deluna
Alrededor de 1 hora usando la aplicación