Appointment Booking Cowlendar
Erfüllt die höchsten Qualitätsstandards von Shopify für Geschwindigkeit, Anwenderfreundlichkeit und Mehrwert für Händler:innen
Vorgestellte Bildergalerie
Nehmen Sie Reservierungen in Ihrem Shop vor. Ändern Sie "In den Warenkorb" in "Buchen". Booking app.
Diese Buchungs-App (booking app) fügt einen buchbaren Kalender zu jeder Dienstleistung/jedem Produkt hinzu, die/das Sie auf Shopify verkaufen. Unsere benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche stellt sicher, dass Sie keine technischen Kenntnisse benötigen. Innerhalb von 2 Minuten verwandeln Sie ein Produkt in eine buchbare Dienstleistung. Funktioniert wie Calendly, ist aber in Shopify integriert. Vereinbaren Sie Termine (Verabredungen) für Ihre Buchungen physisch oder online (Zoom, Google meet). Booking.
- Verwandelt Ihre Schaltfläche "In den Warenkorb" in "Jetzt buchen". Booking.
- Planen Sie physische Meetings oder virtuelle Buchungen (Zoom oder Google).
- Gruppenreservierung: Mehrere Personen können 1 Zeitfenster reservieren.
- Senden Sie E-Mail-Erinnerungen für Termine und für Bookings vor Terminen
- Kalender | Service | Zoom | Meet | Reservierung | rendezvous | agenda location
- Highlights
- Beliebt bei Unternehmen in den USA
- Direkter Zugriff im Shopify-Adminbereich
- Kompatibel mit den neuesten Themes
Englisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch (Brasilien), Französisch und Deutsch
Kompatibel mit
- Shopify POS
- calendly
- booking
- tipo
- sesami
- sticky
- appointment
- Unbegrenzte Dienstleistungen
- Unbegrenzte Reservierung
- Booking notifications
$16.99 / Monat
- Unlimited Bookings
- Unlimited Services
- Add Reminders
- Add Questions
- Allow Multiday
- Cancel & Reschedule
- Custom duration
- Max booking limit
- etc
7-tägiger kostenloser Test
$29.99 / Monat
- Everything before +
- No Cowlendar branding
- Teammates
- Google Calendar
- Google Meet automatic
- Zoom links
- Upsell services
7-tägiger kostenloser Test
$42.99 / Monat
- Elite +
- No Cowlendar branding
- SMS Notifications (from $0.08/SMS)
- Abandoned bookings
- Custom sender
- Booking deposit
- Team portal
7-tägiger kostenloser Test
Alle Gebühren werden in USD berechnet. Wiederkehrende und nutzungsabhängige Gebühren werden alle 30 Tage in Rechnung gestellt.
Rezensionen (2.195)
The Cowlendar app is efficient, easy, and professional. I can update the times I am available, how long in the future I want to show, what questions I want to prompt at time of booking and have my Zoom link go out automatically with the booking confirmation. It's easy for clients and for myself. Additionally, anytime I've had a tech issue or question, they always reply right away and are very helpful! Being able to speak to real people and get help that way goes along way. I have the Pro plan and think it's worth it for my business!
We have been using this application for a little over a year now to run multi state weight loss counseling and dietary services. Allow people to book virtual appointments and pay prior to their appointment and some of the add on and up sell features have been really nice as well. The ability to reach someone through chat has been instrumental in helping us with set up and getting everything going to our liking we greatly appreciate the service and we enjoy using it very well done on this application
If excellence had a name, it would be Cowlendar. The product itself is a scheduling masterpiece—streamlined, intuitive, and just plain brilliant. But what really sets them apart is their customer service. It's like Mateo was just chilling in a virtual lounge, ready to leap into action the moment I have a question. Need help? BAM—he's there, faster than I can type "Cowlendar rocks."
Honestly, they’re so good it makes me wonder if they’ve hired mind readers. Spectacular app, even more spectacular team. If you’re not using Cowlendar yet, what are you even doing with your life?
I had Theo and he was amazing. I simply just wanted my account verified but by the end of our chat he helped me set up my store with the app and now I'm ready to use the app when I planned on getting this completed later down the road. Amazing customer service!
I had a question about some settings I couldn't find out. So I Askes the chat for help. Alex solved my problem and now it all works perfect. I am happy for the help of Alex.
App-Support von Penida
Oder besuche sein Support-PortalRessourcen
Dieser Entwickler bietet keinen direkten Support auf Deutsch an.
21. Januar 2022