WishIt: Theme Sections Library
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Samling av vackra förbyggda sektioner, kontakta kundsupport för gratis anpassning!
Installera lättviktiga vackra förbyggda sektioner och landningssidor till vilket tema som helst. Sektioner tillgängliga: Logolista, FAQ, Navigering med cirkelmeny för samlingar, Videobakgrundsbanner, Betalningsikoner, Bildjämförelse, Julbelysning, Instagram Följ-knapp, Shoppable, Bildgalleri, Bildslider, Förtroendemärkesikoner, Bildhotspot (Shoppa looken), Samlingsrutnät, Testimonial Slider, Tiktok Feed Embed, Anpassad HTML/CSS/JS, Snöeffekter, QR-kodsgenerator, Nyhetsbrevssida, Gallerisida, Pristabell.
- Samling av 20+ vackert designade lättviktiga sektioner.
- Sidmallar som fungerar inom Shopify Temaredigerare (Dölj Header / Footer)
- Anpassad sektionsutveckling enligt dina behov (Kontakta support)
- Kopiera / klistra in HTML, CSS och JS-skript eller snippets till vilket tema eller vilken sida som helst.
- Utforska effekter som snöeffekt, Alla hjärtans dag-effekt, fallande hjärteffekt etc.
Innehåller automatöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Använd direkt i Shopify-admin
- Fungerar med de senaste temana
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Recensioner (31)
I am over the moon finding this app to install a circle menu. I tried several other paid apps, but the functionality and picking the collections was so messy. This app made it above an beyond simple, and on top of it, it was part of the free install. I feel blessed to have found this app. Thank you so very much!!!!
I'm paying 4.95 a month and have been waiting for about 3 weeks to hear back from support about my first request. Would NOT recommend. Absolute waste of time and money!
Extremely sorry for the inconvenience, I have gone ahead and issued you a refund. We had some personal issue due to which the support for this app was unavailable for some time. We are active now and would like to serve you again if you need help with anything.
Great author with great knowledge, friendly and helping me out. I will sure use this app for long time, its looks amazing with all the features too. Really recoommend it, try and be happy. :)
This is the app that I was looking for. Amazing support.
They are very responsive, very quick, and amazingly cost-effective. We had to customize our check-in page, and they just did it within a few hours. Impressive! They really deserve 5-star rating. I wish them success.
I used the app to fix a "liquid code" error that was showing up at the top of our homepage. The support was friendly and incredibly fast. The error was fixed within a few minutes and even for free (the first order is free).
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8/Jagdambha Bhavan,G.K.Marg,Lower Parel, Mumbai -1, Mumbai, MH, 400013, IN
8 augusti 2022