Net Promoter NPS Net Promoter NPS

Forfait gratuit disponible
Note (4,5)

À propos de cette application


31 août 2016



Cette application n’est pas traduite en français

Fonctionne avec

zapier, slack, google analytics, facebook ads, desk, zendesk

Track segmented customer satisfaction with Net Promoter Score-based surveys

See how your customers are satisfied depending on the product they ordered, date of their first purchase (Christmas? Black Friday?), number of orders they placed with you, their geographic location and others. Discover trends in your customers' opinions.

See how your customers are satisfied depending on the product they ordered, date of their first purchase (Christmas? Black Friday?), number of orders they placed with you, their geographic location and others. Discover trends in your customers' opinions. plus
  • Installation takes 30 seconds
  • Radically more survey responses thanks to smart follow-ups
  • Embed testimonials and reviews

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  • survey up-to 5 users per month


$50 / mois

  • survey up-to 1,000 users per month

Small Business

$150 / mois

  • survey up-to 5,000 users per month


$250 / mois

  • survey up-to 10,000 users per month
  • designed for Shopify PLUS



  • survey up-to 5 users per month


$50 / mois

  • survey up-to 1,000 users per month

Small Business

$150 / mois

  • survey up-to 5,000 users per month


$250 / mois

  • survey up-to 10,000 users per month
  • designed for Shopify PLUS

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Tous les frais sont facturés en USD. Les frais récurrents et basés sur l’utilisation sont facturés tous les 30 jours. Voir toutes les options de tarification

195 avis

Note globale
Nombre d’avis par note
  • 79 % des avis sont des avis à 5 étoiles
  • 13 % des avis sont des avis à 4 étoiles
  • 4 % des avis sont des avis à 3 étoiles
  • 2 % des avis sont des avis à 2 étoiles
  • 2 % des avis sont des avis à 1 étoiles
12 juin 2023

Absolutely horrendous customer support; I have tried to reach them since April 2023 to help me troubleshoot ( None of my reviews show up on the testimonials page. Not sure if it is a code problem or something else (I've copied/pasted their exact custom code for my store). Originally, individual NPS reviews showed up fine, and after some time they stopped displaying.

Given the absolute lack of support, there is no way I would sign up to any of their plans and cannot recommend using them.

I'm hopeful they will be able to help, and I'm willing to update this review when the time comes; until then, it is zero stars.

All Dogz Supply
Plus d'un an d’utilisation de l’application
14 mars 2017

Great app that's easy to set up and super smart in its execution. The automated emails it sends are well designed and easy to use.

Plus de 7 ans d’utilisation de l’application
27 mars 2017

Excellent customer service and support team!!

Presque 7 ans d’utilisation de l’application
3 avril 2017

Great customer service! The app is very easy to set up and use.

Plus de 6 ans d’utilisation de l’application
25 avril 2017

As soon as we came across this app whilst searching for some kind of review app for our Shopify shop, I knew it suited our customer base...who are modest, older, sophisticated and not inclined to wanting anything with tooters & bells on - something like the latter would most likely make them react negatively to the whole idea of being approached for feedback! Then we saw Customer Guru and their very, very simple Harvard Business Review premise - that one correctly-worded question can reveal a world of information - and we knew our customers would love it. The question, 'How likely are you to recommend...' is pure genius, and indeed, it generated a massive response from our existing customer base. The app was easy to launch, and our developer needed only a minute to integrate the results into a testimonials page. Meanwhile, the dashboard allows us to focus on the passives and detractors (many of whom seemed to press on the lower numbers by accident, judging from their glowing text!) and even pick up on a customer who never wrote to tell us their package never arrived, but who mentioned it in their response. We have sent them a replacement order, and hope that next time, they will be a confirmed Promoter! Really love this app, love that we can try is for free (with a badge) while we grow, and that their Chat line is so quick to respond. Would highly recommend this app.

Green Pebble
Plus de 6 ans d’utilisation de l’application

À propos de cette application


31 août 2016



Cette application n’est pas traduite en français

Fonctionne avec

zapier, slack, google analytics, facebook ads, desk, zendesk

Conçue par

À propos de

Note moyenne : 4,5

7 ans d’expérience dans la création d’applications pour l’App Store de Shopify

Sepapaja 6, Tallinn, 15551, EE


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Ce développeur n’offre pas d’assistance directe en Français.

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