无须授权批量采集亚马逊/速卖通/Etsy/美客多/沃尔玛的产品评论,支持CSV/Excel批量导入评论,5分钟为新品快速累积1000+评论。我们集成了Google shopping、Google search等谷歌评分形式,帮助你的产品在Google搜索和谷歌购物结果中显示评论数量,提高SEO流量的转化率,快速曝光产品评论,提高信任感。QA系统可以及时通知你的客户问题,提高转化。精美的评论部件样式,自定义选项,快速匹配每个品牌调性。AI生成评论、AI回复评论和AI分析评论产品问题。
- 【无限制导入评论】不需要第三方授权,支持亚马逊&速卖通&Etsy&美客多&沃尔玛&独立站的评论导入,快速帮你的产品获得1000+产品评论。
- 【Google评分】支持【谷歌搜索】和【谷歌购物】上传评分评论数,广告提高点击率
- 【手写评论】支持卖家手写评论以及上传图片和视频等功能
- 【评论收集】根据您的订单状态,对已经“妥投”状态的订单定时发送电子邮件邀请用户对产品进行评论收集。
- 【评论编辑和管理】对评论或买家评论都可以进行[国家] [评分] [评论内容] [图片] 等内容的编辑,并且可以拦截差评,审核评论
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- 适用于最新模板
英语, 简体中文, 葡萄牙语(巴西), 日语, 意大利语, 繁体中文,以及 西班牙语
Shopify Flow, Shopify POS, Google Lens, 谷歌购物评分, 谷歌搜索评分, Facebook, Instagram评论 (1,292)
We've been using Dadao for two years now. Recently, while updating our website theme, we encountered issues integrating the reviews widget. Despite our best efforts, we couldn’t solve the problem. The technical support team stepped in and resolved everything within a few hours. Excellent and efficient service from Dadao!
The function of grabbing comments is very useful. It would be even better if comments could be grouped and displayed uniformly.
Avenue Review is very easy to use and perfectly designed to do exactly what it says it will do. And the customer service is also very enthusiastic.
It is a top-notch product, but its customer service is even more outstanding. The free version is very user-friendly and has all the basic features. I recommend everyone to give it a try! Looking forward to continued improvements. Wishing the business a great success.
The service is very good and I am very satisfied. I will always use this plugin.
应用支持由 Dadao Product Reviews 大道评论 提供。