Darkify ‑ Dark Mode Toggle

Darkify ‑ Dark Mode Toggle

월 $3.99. 무료 체험 이용 가능.
Shopify 관리자에서 바로 사용 가능
최신 테마와 작동
0.0 (0 리뷰)

Add a sleek Dark Mode toggle to your store, enhancing user experience and boosting accessibility.

Darkify adds a stylish, easy-to-use feature to your store, giving customers the option to switch between light and dark themes. This improves accessibility, reduces eye strain, and creates a modern shopping experience. Perfect for merchants who value user-friendly design, it ensures your store appeals to a wider audience and keeps customers engaged longer. Whether you run a fashion boutique or a tech store, Dark Mode Toggle simplifies customization and enhances site usability effortles

Darkify adds a stylish, easy-to-use feature to your store, giving customers the option to switch between light and dark themes. This improves accessibility, reduces eye strain, and creates a modern shopping experience. Perfect for merchants who value user-friendly design, it ensures your store appeals to a wider audience and keeps customers engaged longer. Whether you run a fashion boutique or a tech store, Dark Mode Toggle simplifies customization and enhances site usability effortles 더 보기
  • Absolutely no coding required. No need to change anything on the Theme.
  • Easily customize the toggle button to match your store's branding.
  • Protect your visitor's eyes! They'll thank you for that.
Shopify 관리자에서 바로 사용 가능
최신 테마와 작동



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$3.99 /월

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7일 무료 체험

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이 개발자는 한국어(으)로 직접 지원을 제공하지 않습니다.



Dhaka, BD


2025년 1월 10일

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