리뷰 (492)
상세 검색
So far, my customers are getting their downloads. I reached out to customer service regarding a server error I am getting on Safari and Firefox and that the app does not function properly on either of those browsers. They did ask for screenshots of the error message, which I just sent them. However, I don't believe they're going to fix the problem on either of those browsers based their responses ...
Hi there. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave this review and provide us with your feedback. We are sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue, however. I hope ...
If Digital Downloads no longer working... Just reinstalled it looks like after updating my store version might of cause the API to stop working.
I sell greeting cards with a total of 5 pdf's. Just came to find I can only attach one file per listing. This app is not suitable for that I suppose.
Hey, there. Thank you for reach out and sharing this feedback. While you can only attach one file per variant, you can use a .zip file or another file archive format to ...
For my clients that download on desktop, this app works great. But for clietns that download my contents on their mobile, this is not working... Does anyone have better solution for digital downloads?
I can attach things just fine, but the customers never get update emails if a product they bought gets updated with a new file. Support is looking into it. Update: It's been 1 month and no word from Shopify Support. The last correspondance made it very clear that this app is not part of what you are paying for when using Shopify and they said that this app isn't made for sending out update emails ...
Thank you for reaching out and posting your feedback here, and I'm sorry to hear that you've experienced this issue. My understanding is that customers should be receiving ...
Great app, easy set up, no problems at all with it.
Stopped working in December 2021. Cannot add new files! Waiting for support! Pretty easy to setup! I had no idea when I migrated from WEEBLY that my digital downloads DID NOT migrate.
Super application mais désormais "non disponible" depuis la mise à jour Shopify : "Digital Downloads doit être mise à jour par le développeur d’application. Contactez-le pour obtenir de l’assistance ou désinstallez l’application."
We have a customer that purchased 14 downloads and only received 10 links. I checked the download limits (all zero). The customer also fowarded me all the emails they received, so I confirmed only 10 links. What could have caused this and how can we fix it?
Hi, there! I'd be happy to take a closer look into this for you. The one thing that comes to mind is the customer having some sort of filter that began marking the digital ...
Cannot be combined with bundles, which is very inconvenient.
Also, I added a digital file to a product, but then the file just vanished... In the product overview the app still says the product has a file attached, but when I click on the product it says there's no file attached. Very strange. I added the file again, we'll see if it stays there this time.
Hi there! Thank you for your feedback. I want to assure you that you should be able to create bundles that include both digital and physical products. The digital portion of ...