Discount Kit
Seznamte se s nejkvalitnějšími standardy Shopify z hlediska rychlosti, snadnosti používání a hodnoty pro obchodníky
Galerie propagovaných obrázků

Elevate your sales with product volume, order volume & free gift with purchase tiered discounts!
Discount Kit gives you the tools you need to super charge your store promotions. Extra discount types provide more ways to express your sales campaign. App components put discount information right where it's needed most to entice shoppers. A product volume discount and tiered pricing table directly on the product page encourages higher order values on every purchase.
- New native discounts: Tiered Product Volume, Gift With Purchase & Order Goal
- Advanced personalised custom discount
- Storefront components built to entice and upsell your customers
- Up to 25 simultaneous automatic discounts
- Důležité informace
- Použití přímo v prostředí administrátora Shopify
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Funguje s:
Typy slev
$49.99 / měsíc
nebo $499.99/rok s úsporou 17 %
- Product & order volume discounts & tiered pricing
- Gift with purchase discounts
- Storefront widgets
- 25 automatic & unlimited manual discounts
7denní zkušební verze zdarma
$99.99 / měsíc
nebo $999.99/rok s úsporou 17 %
- All discount types
- Custom discount type
- Storefront widgets
- 25 automatic & unlimited manual discounts
7denní zkušební verze zdarma
$349.99 / měsíc
nebo $3,499/rok s úsporou 17 %
- Everything on Pro plan
- Scripts to Functions migration consultancy
- Help in defining and building bespoke discounts
- Shared Slack channel
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní.
Recenze (32)
- 100 % hodnocení s 5 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 4 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 3 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 2 hvězdami
0 % hodnocení s 1 hvězdami
After a long search of discount apps in the Shopify store, we finally landed on Discount Kit and its sister app, Code Bulk. These two apps in combination were the only solution my business found to meet our promotional needs for different discount types, multiple coupon codes, etc.
Not only that, but the support team and developers have been a godsend. Dave, Sammy, and others are also very quick to respond to any questions over email, and they work fast too. They've implemented upgrades with a very quick turnaround time for feedback that I've provided them. Their crew is the real deal!!
Been using Discount Kit for our Gift with Purchase campaigns and it really handles our needs well. The team (Sammy, Dave, and Gavyn) has been particularly helpful - really quick responses and clear explanations when we had questions about setup and functionality Technical limitations are communicated clearly and they're transparent about their product roadmap.
Key standout is their customer service approach - they're very proactive about helping you solve issues. If you need a reliable discount management tool, this one definitely delivers.
Absolutely fantastic service from the team at Discount Kit and Sammy who helped us get set up and sorted with what we needed for a recent sale. This despite our needs being quite specific and hard to achieve. Sammy went above and beyond to come up with a solution - it's worth highlighting how honest he was in recommending alternatives or other ideas that might not even have required the use of their app - something he didn't have to do but indicated to us that his first priority was getting us sorted, even if it meant we used something else. Suffice to say we did end up getting set up with Discount Kit and it has been running as needed. We use a fair few apps on Shopify and only a couple of them stand out for their exceptional service, reliability and effectiveness and we are happy to now add Discount Kit to that list. We're looking forward to working with Sammy again on some future projects and highly recommend them.
Very pleased with the support offered by the team at Discount Kit. Whenever we've had issues with our discounts, they have replied in a very timely manner and have walked us clearly through the necessary steps to create the discount as desired. This has helped us in a pinch multiple times, and we greatly appreciate the dependable support offered by this team!
Great team discount kit. They are very responsive and are able to think outside of the box. Glad we found them :)
Podporu aplikace poskytuje Optizio.
Nebo navštivte jejich portál podporyZdroje
Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.
27. říjen 2022 · Protokol změn
Přístup k datům
Tato aplikace potřebuje přístup k následujícím datům, aby ve vašem obchodu mohla fungovat. Důvody zjistíte v zásadách ochrany osobních údajů vývojáře.
Zobrazte osobní údaje:
Zákazníci, majitel obchodu
Jméno/název, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo, fyzická adresa, geolokace, IP adresa, prohlížeč a operační systém, chování při procházení, soubor cookie ID klienta
Majitel obchodu
Jméno/název, e-mailová adresa, telefonní číslo, fyzická adresa
Zobrazte a upravte data obchodu:
Zákazníci, produkty, objednávky, slevy, analytika obchodu, online obchod
Zobrazte zákazníky
Chování při procházení, štítky přidané k zákazníkům, or zákaznická data
Upravte produkty
Listingy produktů, produkty, or kolekce
Zobrazte objednávky
Všechny podrobnosti objednávek za posledních 60 dnů
Zobrazit a synchronizovat slevy
Slevové kódy a propagační akce
Upravte analytiku obchodu
Zobrazte online obchod
Upravte další data
Nastavení Shopify Markets, cenová pravidla, or prodejní plány
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Více aplikací jako je tato