DiscountDuck quantity breaks
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DiscountDuck is the all-in-one solution to managing your discounts with ease and style.
Want to increase your AOV with discounts? DiscountDuck gives you the ability to create any kind of discount and advertise them automatically to your customers with beautiful widgets on your product pages. Create quantity breaks, bundles, bogof, automatic, and discount code offers in minutes. DiscountDuck has been developed to be intuitive and easy to use with a beautiful and clean interface. You can customize your widget's color, position, and translation from the app without any code.
- Create quantity breaks offers.
- Increase your average order value with discounts that converts!
- Stack your discounts together to give bigger discounts.
- Manage all your discounts in one place.
Contiene texto sin traducir
- Características
- Se usa directamente en el panel de control de Shopify
Esta aplicación no está traducida al Español
- Price for development stores
- Quantity break offers
- Bundles
- Discount codes
- Automatic discounts
- Theme integration
$19.95 al mes
- Price for BASIC Shopify plan
- Quantity break offers
- Bundles
- Discount codes
- Automatic discounts
- Theme integration
- Email support
Prueba gratis de 14 día
$27.95 al mes
- Price for PROFESSIONAL Shopify plan
- Quantity break offers
- Bundles
- Discount codes
- Automatic discounts
- Theme integration
- Email support
Prueba gratis de 14 día
$43.95 al mes
- Price for ADVANCED Shopify plan
- Quantity break offers
- Bundles
- Discount codes
- Automatic discounts
- Theme integration
- Email support
Prueba gratis de 14 día
Contiene texto sin traducir
Todos los cargos se facturan en USD. Los cargos recurrentes y por uso se facturan cada 30 días.
Reseñas (29)
The app provide precisely what I need. The display style is very clear and unique so that the visitors understand immediately how to get discounts. Furthermore, I had an displaying issue because of my shopify theme and Xavier from the support fixed it very quickly. I tested a lot of discount app and this is the best so far.
DiscountDuck est une application simple d'utilisation et intuitive, faisant efficacement tout ce qui est en rapport avec les réductions dans Shopify. Le support est à l'écoute et très réactif, je recommande !
I've used this to set up multiple multibuy specials that Shopify wouldn't allow natively. I have hundreds of products which have "4 for X, 10 for Y" discounts, and this app works perfectly for that purpose. It shows the discount in the shopping basket as well which I didn't even think was possible in Shopify. Very good feature!
It's quite customisable in how you set up the specials and how it looks on your website. I had a visual glitch occur and messaged the developers. They very quickly responded and sorted out the issue with polite and clear communication. When using an app like this, what makes it a 5/5 is when the developers are ready to jump in and help like they did. I strongly recommend this app if you need to set up Specials and Multibuys in your store.
Wow, incredible app! I've tried so many quantity break apps and have never been impressed. This one customized to my theme perfect and works great. And the support team helped me out by making adjusting it a bit. Highly, highly recommend checking it out.
Excellent app and fantastic support. I had a little problem with using the multi discount where it wouldn't apply the discount to another currency other than the home currency. They are working on a solution (Xavier replied immediately to my email which I didn't expect but greatly appreciated!) but in the meantime, I was able to use a percentage instead of dollar amount and it converts to both CAD and USD. Great app, I will be adding it to another website of mine.
Soporte técnico
Soporte de la aplicación proporcionado por Redcod.
Este desarrollador no ofrece soporte técnico directo en Español.
48 rue du moulin, Mezire, 90120, FR
Fecha de lanzamiento
30 de abril de 2021