
Import documents from Google Drive to your store page in one click
Perfectly aligned blog posts and pages with correct HTML, headings, fonts, images and tables. Improve your blog design with page builder. Super easy to configure and use blog app. The truly worry-free app to create pages, import blog posts and export blog posts seamlessly. Use free Google Docs blog templates. Create the content on Shopify store with one click. Compatible with PageFly, Shogun, Google Sheets, LayoutHub, Zipify and other page builder apps.
- One click seamless blog import from Google Drive
- Change your Google Docs and pull all the changes with one click
- Multiple docs supported
- 特色
- 可直接在 Shopify 管理介面使用
- Google Drive
- Google Docs
- 5 document imports/month
$9.99 /月
- Unlimited imports
- No Reputon branding
所有費用均以 USD 計價。 定期費用和依使用量計費方案,均以 30 天為週期收費。
評論 (38)
Great app so far - love the connection to Google docs
They get in contact with you if you have any problems, so for an app in development that's perfect!.
We are sorry that you are not satisfied with the app. The app is brand new and we are working hard on improvements and fixing issues. Please check your email inbox. We'll be happy to fix your issue.
I use this app to start posting blogs on my website, and it's very easy to use. I like it so far....
i love this free app that helps write blog posts on my site. Its really easy to use and i have been using it for a month now with no problems
Thank you for having time to write the review!
Reputon Team
great app works perfectly. keeps the format of documents.------------------------------------------------------
Thank you so much for having time to write the review. We appreciate your support!
Reputon Team
應用程式支援由 Reputon 提供。