Reseñas (963)
Por calificación
We mistakenly installed the app, uninstalled it just after few days without even setting it up, never used it, yet we were charged 40$. Tried to contact support several times via Whatsapp and via Email but they don't respond.
Hey! We reach us to you and didn’t get any response, please reach us and we will refund😊
really bad app, it keeps billing me the 'amount even though I removed the automatic payment, I also talked to the support team. They also refunded me, but in the October invoice I have the same amount again.
Hey! Please reach to us again, its probably a bug with Shopify payment we will refund :)
Eu assinei o plano GRATUITO para testar em meu site e hoje fui cobrada $67 DOLARES por esse app que eu nem usei.
UM ABSURDO!!! eu quero o estorno do pagamento, não faz o menor sentido essa cobrança!!!
Oye, te reembolsamos todo el pago y, por supuesto, no estabas en el plan gratuito, ¡es el plan profesional anual! Estamos aquí si tienes otra pregunta :)
Hola no la contraten me cobraron la suscripción anual 2 veces les mando wattsapp al soporte y no contestan! no la contraten se van arrepentir es mala aplicación
Hablamos con usted muchas veces, no supimos de usted dos veces, no pagó y por eso apareció en su factura mes tras mes, es una pena que no indique que recibió un reembolso ...
When I took one year plan one year plan had unlimited One click cart recovery messages now it reduced to 20, I want refund
Hi, please note the pro plan never had unlimited one click messages. Unfortunately you may have gotten confused between our plans. We are glad that you decided to continue ...
L app, I uninstalled it and it still shows the whatsapp icon on my web page. I can't take it off
Esta no es nuestra aplicación, es su otro competidor. En su aplicación, cuando la desinstala, la retira inmediatamente.
Atención al cliente innecesariamente estupida. Desinstalo la app de forma inmediata.
Thanks for the compliment, we love you in spite of everything
Não tem plano gratuito, uma farsa. Deletando agora!
existe um plano gratuito e a maioria dos usuários o usa e adora
cant select free plan
Hey, the free plan is the default plan, so if you didn't select the paid plan you are on the free plan. We have customer support on email and WhatsApp 24/7, if you need help ...