评论 (170)
It has a lot of products so if you're looking for somethings specific you very well might find it here. But the website is bulky and hard to search through. One cool feature is that you can upload everything in a category, or a vendor, or a search result straight to you store. A glaring problem with that is often the descriptions are subpar so you have to go back and rewrite them. If you're ...
To verify a new account they want a Copy of the Front and the Back of my Credit Card ??? That seem verry strange to me...
This app seemed really promising. I wanted a wide range of choice, and the numbers they advertise are impressive. Only almost everything is out of stock, and what is available is not competitively priced. Further, the app itself is very outdated. Be prepared to invest a significant amount of time getting things set up.
Thank you for the comments. Currently iIn total there are a total of 1,039,175 items in our catalog from 95 suppliers, from which 762,656 are in stock and 276,519 are out of ...