管理库存和订单履行,零售条码标签 SKU 生成器,条码生成器和打印
订单履行和库存管理从未如此简单! EasyScan 兼容所有扫描仪,在发货前扫描零售条码标签以防止错误。 条码和 SKU 生成器,以及条码打印机,生成多订单拣货单并使用条码扫描器拣货和包装订单。 使用条码生成器进行库存检查和更新更快。 让 Easyscan 成为您的条码助手,停止库存和仓库管理错误!
- 使用条码扫描器创建、拣货、包装、履行和检查订单以防止错误
- SKU 和条码生成器,使用条码打印机打印自定义条码标签
- 使用多标签条码跟踪库存,使拣货和履行更容易
- 条码扫描帮助您快速检查、更新和转移仓库库存
- 打印自定义装箱单、库存报告、Stocky 产品条码、拣货单
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 可直接在 Shopify 后台使用
- Barcode scanner
- Smartphone
- Tablet
- Desktop
- Laptop
- Stocky
$9.99 /月
- 仅条码和 SKU 计划
- 打印条码标签
- 分配条码和 SKU
- 保存条码标签模板
- 在线支持
10 天免费试用
$29.99 /月
- 所有 Basic 计划功能
- 检查、更新和转移库存
- 检查、履行和创建订单
- 产品仓位
- 在线和视频支持
10 天免费试用
$59.99 /月
- 所有 Basic 和 Standard 计划功能
- 用户账户
- 库存报告历史
- 订单日志和分析
- 优先在线和视频支持
10 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
I have found the Easyscan app extremely useful for creating barcodes and its integration with my Zebra label printer. I had a slight issue with the Shopify app barcode scanner not reading my labels and Charlie was quick to get a meeting scheduled with me so that I could get my products labeled in time for my store opening. He walked me through how to properly customize my label size to work with the Shopify app scanner. It worked! It took less than 10 mins and I appreciate his time to help me. Great customer service!
EasyScan has been a game changer. We have had zero shipment errors since we implemented it. Super easy to set up and use, Charlie has been excellent in tweaking a couple of things to suit our needs, couldn’t ask for more. 100% would recommend this app.
Works for us and is perfect for integrating work flows with our fulfilment centre. The support is first-rate, Charlie worked hard to find a solution to an issue we were having. Highly recommended.
Charlie and I met via meeting for a feature we wanted and was updated right away! Amazing customer support and development not just for us but for other customers as well. Thank you
EasyScan was the exact solution our business was looking for. We have a unique business where sales reps grab products to bring to shows and silent auctions and this app makes it extremely easy to transfer inventory between locations and update inventory on the fly. Highly recommend. The support team has been very helpful as well
应用支持由 506 提供。