Elfsight Photo Gallery Shopify 是在您的网站上展示照片或建立吸引人的画廊的最快方式。使用任意数量的照片,编写描述,并选择最佳的页面布置方式。Elfsight小部件提供6种布局选项和许多其他界面功能。每张图片都可以在弹出模式下查看,人们可以通过它们或开始幻灯片播放,放大,并全屏欣赏照片。
- 创建各种类型的画廊
- 七种布局帮助您找到完美的配置
- 您的照片可以在网站上或任何地址打开
$5.99 /月
或 $59.88/年(可节省 17%)
- 无限制的照片
- 无限制的画廊
- 移动设备准备就绪
- 7种可定制的画廊布局
- 带动画的描述
- 方便的弹出窗口
- 无需编码
7 天免费试用
所有费用均以USD结算。 定期费用和基于使用情况的费用每 30 天收取一次。
This app doesn't deserve the bad rating at all. This app shaped my pages exactly how i wanted them and if you got a issue, a dedicated and efficient support team will quickly fix it with a custom CSS code. I easily recommend this app over the ones i tried before.
Dear Vvög,
Thank you for choosing Elfsight Product Photo Gallery!
We are extremely happy to hear that you've enjoyed our service!
If there's anything else we can help you with, please don't hesitate to contact us at https://help.elfsight.com/?contact=1, we'll be delighted to help you.
Best regards,
I contacted customer service with a request for some custom coding to adjust the mobile view of my gallery. They promptly responded and took care of it for me! I appreciate the speed of their response and their understanding of what I needed.
Thank you!
It is great and easy to use but I would like to see a scroll over feature that shows different image.
Hi HealingPyra,
Thank you for your kind feedback!
We're very glad to hear you're enjoying the app :) As for the scroll-over feature you mentioned, we think the 'Strips' layout might be similar to what you're describing. You can find it in your widget's settings on the 'Layout' tab.
But in case you meant something else, please reach out to us at https://help.elfsight.com/?contact=1. We will be happy to advise you on the settings and help customize your gallery's look, or show you how you can request a new feature for the app on our Wishlist!
Best regards,
je désire tester application est aucun jour gratuit ! je n'ai pas pu...je suis facturé de suis 5€ ...
Merci de nous avoir contacté!
Je suis vraiment désolé que vous n'ayez pas utilisé votre essai gratuit. Cela est dû au fait que vous avez probablement appuyé sur Accepter les frais. Ce bouton est là pour vous permettre de payer l'application avant la fin de l'essai gratuit, et lorsque vous appuyez dessus, vous êtes facturé immédiatement.
Nous serons heureux de vous rembourser ces frais. Nos transactions financières sont traitées du côté Shopify, vous devrez donc contacter le support Shopify pour obtenir un remboursement. Veuillez le faire et nous l'approuverons immédiatement pour vous.
Je vous remercie!
Was supposed to get a 7-day free trial, but this company billed me the full amount - even after I deleted the app not more than 20 mins later. I NEVER accepted any charges as claimed by
Elfsight and it was an absolute pain to get the charges dropped off my bill from Shopify without having to send ENDLESS back and forth emails. It took two days before Elfsight gave Shopify authorization to credit me so it wasn’t “prompt”. I deleted this app immediately after installing because I found a better app that wasn’t complicated like Elfsight.
Hey there,
We’re very sorry about this misunderstanding.
We don’t actually charge our customers, Shopify processes all our financial transactions.
Also, we’ve checked our records, just in case, and we didn’t see any payments from you.
We absolutely agree that it’s unfair to pay for an app you haven’t used, and we’ll be happy to take a closer look into the situation. Would it be an option for you to message us at support@elfsight.com and send us a screenshot of your invoice, so that we can check this with Shopify?
Thank you for your time!
Update: With the way our app works, you have 7 days of free trial. So you can use the app for free during these 7 days, without making any payments.
However, we also offer the option of accepting the charges for the app before your trial is over, to make sure that the app is still displayed on your website after the trial is over. It’s up to our customer to accept the charges before the trial is over, or not. So if you enjoy our app, you can accept the charges before the end of the trial period.
In this specific case, the customer has accepted charges before having tested our app, and it was the customer’s decision to do so. This wasn’t a fraudulent charge, the customer has agreed to make the payment.
The customer has requested Shopify for a refund, and we promptly approved the refund on our side.
Elfsight 可以回答您关于 Elfsight Product Photo Gallery 的任何问题。