Podcast Player by Elfsight
Galleri med udvalgte billeder
Gør det muligt for folk at lytte til podcasts i en praktisk afspiller på dit website
Elfsight Podcast Player er et simpelt værktøj, der lader dig afspille podcasts direkte på dit website. Værktøjet er yderst tilpasningsbart: du kan ændre dets placering, placere det hvor som helst på siden, ændre dets størrelse, omfarve baggrunden og alle andre dele for at blande det med din websides stil, bruge mørkt tema, vise billeder og vise eller skjule 3 yderligere afspillerelementer som progress bar og mange flere. Underhold dine besøgende, skift autoplay-indstillingen og underhold dine besøgende!
- Øg dine leads og skil dig ud fra mængden
- En håndterbar podcast-afspiller lige til dit site
- Gør dit plugin iøjnefaldende eller pænt
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, OvercastKategorier
$5.99 om måneden
eller $59.88 om året, og spar 17 %
- Flydende eller Inline Afspiller
- Følg Knapper på Podcast Platforme
- Tilpasningsbare Afspiller Kontroller
- Lys & Mørke Temaer
- Mobil Klar
- Ingen Kodning
7-dages gratis prøveperiode
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag.
Anmeldelser (4)
Customer service was great! Fully understood and solved any problem I had. Also provided thorough information to help me understand how they did so I’m able to do it myself. Highly recommend.
Hello there,
Thank you for your kind feedback!
We're glad to hear our agents were able to help you set up the app 🙂 We hope you enjoy it!
Best regards,
This app is giving me exactly what I was hoping for in terms of easy access to my podcast, including past episodes, right from my Shopify store. I like that I could customize the look of the player, and most importantly, I received very attentive customer service during installation. The Elfsight support seems to be first-rate. Thanks so much!
Excellent. We use it to give people access to our podcast as a pop up player or an embedded page app and it does both things excellently. We recently had a small issue with it and the developer fixed it in less than 24 hours and were very helpful. Cannot recommend enough!
So far this app is not what I had expected. Web version Is decent and the mobile refuses to load and reaching out for help from the company so far has not been fruitful. But I will plan on revising this is my issue is solved....If I cannot find a solution within a few weeks I may have to look for a competitor.
Hello John,
Thank you for your comment!
We're very sorry to hear the app is giving you a hard time. We try our best to create a great user experience, and we're sorry to have disappointed you!
We can see that one of our agents has already reached out to you and is working hard on your case. Please stay in touch with them and they will make sure to fix everything for you!
If any other questions come up, you can always message us at https://help.elfsight.com/?contact=1, we'll be delighted to help :)
Best regards,
Elfsight kan besvare dine spørgsmål vedrørende Podcast Player by Elfsight.
10. januar 2020