
Essential Grid Gallery 通过照片画廊、产品画廊、视频画廊、图片画廊、集合画廊、作品集、相关博客网格、可购物视频和图片、社交媒体提要画廊让您的网站看起来很棒。可以从各种来源(包括社交媒体提要(Facebook、YouTube 画廊、Vimeo、Twitter、Instagram))自定义画廊,存储上传的图片/视频。批量上传无限照片,节省时间。使用模板设置画廊。转换视觉效果以吸引客户并提高转化率
- 构建照片、产品、可购物视频、集合、作品集、社交和博客网格
- 70+ 现成网格模板,60+ 网格样式
- 网格、砌体、灯箱、懒加载、悬停效果、动画等更多功能
- 一起上传多张照片,快速排列照片位置,节省更多时间。
- 在所有屏幕上快速响应,兼容 Shopify 2.0 在线商店主题
- 亮点
- 深受美国商家喜爱
- 适用于最新模板
- EComposer
- SEOAnt
- ReviewXpo
- 1 个画廊
- 3 个模板
- 4 种皮肤样式
- 最多 20 张图片
- 来源:图片
- 图片标题、链接和排序
- 灯箱
- SEO alt 标签,rel 属性
$5.99 /月
或 $50.32/年(可节省 30%)
- 创建 5 个网格画廊
- 15 个模板
- 12 种皮肤
- 无限图片
- 来源:产品、集合、视频、博客
- 社交:YouTube、Vimeo、Instagram 画廊
- 动画和分页
- 所有 Free 版功能
7 天免费试用
$12.99 /月
或 $109.12/年(可节省 30%)
- 创建 15 个画廊
- 40 个模板
- 38 种皮肤样式
- 来源:产品、集合、视频、博客
- 社交:Facebook、X、Flicker 画廊
- 可购物视频画廊
- 所有 Basic 版功能
7 天免费试用
$29.99 /月
或 $251.92/年(可节省 30%)
- 无限网格画廊
- 无限模板
- 无限皮肤
- 所有无限功能
- 优先技术支持
- 所有 Standard 版功能 +
7 天免费试用
评论 (156)
I searched through many apps to find a good masonry layout and finally found Essential Grid. I got it setup but needed some customization and their support team was quick to help and helped me design the exact skin that I needed for my site. The app navigation could be a little more user friendly, but its got a lot of customization that other apps don't seem to have.
We installed this app to use the shoppable gallery feature. While the service can seem a bit complex at first, the customer support is excellent. SDS helped us resolve an issue with the shoppable gallery content within minutes. We’re still exploring the features, but it looks like this app has a lot to offer, especially for those willing to dive in.
great app and it works really well! very good service and support team sorted all my issues out
Amazing app !
Interface is hard to understand for my old soul, but the support is amazing and super responsive and results are great and very stylish!
Very happy with this app to create portfolio galleries. There's a lot of options and customisation available and it looks great once you're fully set up. I had a few teething problems and support were very helpful and really quick to answer my questions.
应用支持由 ShopiDevs 提供。