Hextom: Countdown Timer Bar
Seznamte se s nejkvalitnějšími standardy Shopify z hlediska rychlosti, snadnosti používání a hodnoty pro obchodníky
Galerie propagovaných obrázků
Add urgency and fear-of-missing-out effects to your sales, and increase conversion and sales
Countdown Timer Bar can help you add a sense of urgency in your sales events, make your customers feel they must act now to avoid missing out on something important, and drive more sales. The App supports various types of timers, such as one-time, auto-recurring, daily & weekly timer. You can use them for different sales events. It also offers targeting options including geo location, customer, page, etc. You can have targeted events for different countries, customers, and optimize the sales.
- One-time, auto-recurring, daily & weekly timers can fit different types of sales
- Advanced targeting: location, Shopify markets, customer, page, product, device
- Scheduling, you can plan sales events in advance for events like Black Friday
- Fully customizable with various rotation & animation, background images & styles
- Supports all pages, 1-click to enable, no coding required
- Důležité informace
- Oblíbené u firem ve Spojených státech
- Použití přímo v prostředí administrátora Shopify
- Funguje s nejnovějšími motivy
angličtina, francouzština, čínština (zjednodušená), čínština (tradiční), španělština, italština, portugalština (brazilská), portugalština, němčina, a japonština
Tato aplikace není přeložena do jazyka čeština
Funguje s:
- Hextom: Translate & Currency
Možnosti zobrazení
Možnosti časování
Typy slev
- Event based timer
- Display at any desired position
- Device targeting
- Page targeting
- Add link to bar
- Emoji support on bar
$9.99 / měsíc
nebo $99/rok s úsporou 17 %
- Free plan plus...
- Unlimited active bars
- daily, weekly, recurring timers
- Geo targeting
- Social/UTM targeting
- Bar background images
7denní zkušební verze zdarma
Všechny poplatky jsou fakturovány v měně USD. Opakované poplatky a poplatky založené na použití jsou fakturovány každých 30 dní.
Recenze (1 661)
Easy to use and makes my website pop when Im trying to promote something!
SUPER APP, nous l'utilisions pour le black Friday et noël
Searchanise servers were down for one hour on BLACK FRIDAY, meaning zero products were visible on my store leading to many thousands in lost revenue. Good going guys!
Thank you for your feedback. It seems there may have been a misunderstanding, as your review mentions another app, Searchanise, which is not ours. Our app, Hextom Timer Bar, appears to be working well on your store and does not block your website or affect product displays.
We’ve reached out via email but haven’t heard back. If our emails didn’t reach you, please check your spam folder or contact us directly at help@hextom.com. We’re happy to assist and address any concerns you may have.
Customer service is quick and was able to solve a disappearing banner issue I had. Was such an easy fix.
ça fait le travail
Podporu aplikace poskytuje Hextom.
Nebo navštivte jejich portál podporyZdroje
Tento vývojář nenabízí přímou podporu v jazyce Čeština.
20. říjen 2015
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