Customer eWallet App

Customer eWallet App

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30 augusti 2021

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# Ever wanted to allot gift cards to multiple customers But don't want any hassle of : 1. maintaining gift card code records 2. having to allot individually 3. also not to forget, user has to remember card code and enter manually each time on checkout. # What if, all this could be done more easily? * Our apps, let's you create gift cards in the form of eWallet for customer. Be it creating wallets for one customer at a time or all at once. * You can also add funds for users, and the the...

# Ever wanted to allot gift cards to multiple customers But don't want any hassle of : 1. maintaining gift card code records 2. having to allot individually 3. also not to forget, user has to remember card code and enter manually each time on checkout. # What if, all this could be done more easily? * Our apps, let's you create gift cards in the form of eWallet for customer. Be it creating wallets for one customer at a time or all at once. * You can also add funds for users, and the the... mer

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  • 0 % av omdömena har 5 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 4 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 3 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 2 stjärnor
  • 0 % av omdömena har 1 stjärnor
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Om appen


30 augusti 2021

Fungerar med


Skapad av SI Webstores

Om SI Webstores

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Har skapat appar för Shopifys appbutik i 2 år

2500, Marin Street, San Francisco, CA, 94124, US


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