

Reseñas (555)

Calificación general
Recuentos por nivel de calificación
  • El 94% de las calificaciones son de 5 estrellas
  • El 3% de las calificaciones son de 4 estrellas
  • El 0% de las calificaciones son de 3 estrellas
  • El 1% de las calificaciones son de 2 estrellas
  • El 3% de las calificaciones son de 1 estrellas
Fecha de modificación: 18 de abril de 2024

Be very very careful. If you upgrade your subscription there is no going back and you will be billed over and over. There is zero customer support too. the app works great for what it is but very pricing for just downloading tables.

After getting bombarded with phone calls and emails they did return all my money that was charged incorrectly. Now they continue to hound and harass me to change this ...

Toltrazuril Shop
Estados Unidos
6 meses usando la aplicación
ITissible respondió 16 de abril de 2024

Sorry, but this is not true.
You can downgrade or cancel the paid plan at any moment by going to Matrixify app menu “Plans” section. Also, you can uninstall the app, ...

11 de octubre de 2023

It works, but thats all it does.
URL redirects are not correct. So it shitted my SEO, had to do a lot by hand.

Uploading of metafields does not work great either.

Round music
Países Bajos
4 meses usando la aplicación
ITissible respondió 12 de octubre de 2023


Sorry, but this is not true.

You can downgrade or cancel the paid plan at any moment by going to Matrixify app menu “Plans” section. Also, you can uninstall the app, ...

18 de enero de 2024

It would be nice to know that Matrixify does not download or convert customers' or order files to Shopify before pre-paying the subscription.
The support channel is also not helpful. They only direct you to pages instructing product migrations; the rest you figured out!
Estados Unidos
Alrededor de 10 horas usando la aplicación
ITissible respondió 19 de enero de 2024

This review is about the BigCommerce migration functionality. We currently can migrate only Products from BigCommerce. The Customers and Orders migration is planned in ...