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Matrixify-appen hjælper dig med at håndtere butiksdata - bulkimport, -eksport, -opdatering og -migration.
Spar tid og nerver, når du arbejder med dine butiksdata i bulk. Fra små butikker til store virksomheder - denne app kan håndtere filstørrelser op til 20 GB. Enkle dataopdateringer og rapporter til automatiseringer - via Google Sheets, FTP-servere, Excel og andre dataformater og kanaler. /ex Excelify. Eksporter eller importer data for: Produkter, Samlinger, Kunder, B2B-virksomheder, Rabatter, Udkast til ordrer, Ordrer, Udbetalinger, Sider, Blogs, Omdirigeringer, Aktivitet, Filer, Metaobjekter, Metafelter, Navigationsmenuer.
- Importer og eksporter data ved hjælp af Excel, Google Sheets eller CSV-filer.
- Migrer fra Magento, WordPress/WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Lightspeed og andre.
- Sikkerhedskopier og gendan dine data.
- Planlæg og gentag automatisk eksport- og importopgaver.
- Overvåg og kontroller eksport- og importopgaver, mens de sker, se jobhistorik.
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
- Højdepunkter
- Populær blandt virksomheder i USA
- Brug direkte i Shopify-administratoren
Denne app er ikke oversat til Dansk
Fungerer sammen med
Google Shopping, Google Sheets, Custom Format Integrations, FTP / SFTP, Google Drive, DropboxKategorier
Redigerbare ressourcer
- Per fil:
- 10 Produkter
- 10 Samlinger
- 10 Kunder
- 10 Rabatter
- 10 Ordrer
- 10 Udbetalinger
- 10 Sider
- 10 Blogindlæg
- 10 Omdirigeringer
- 2 Menuer
- ...
$20 om måneden
- Per fil:
- 5K Produkter
- 300 Samlinger
- 2K Kunder
- 300 Rabatter
- 1K Ordrer
- 366 Udbetalinger
- 50 Sider
- 50 Blogs
- 10K Omdirigeringer
- 5 Menuer
- ...
$50 om måneden
- Per fil:
- 50K Produkter
- 3K Samlinger
- 20K Kunder
- 3K Rabatter
- 10K Ordrer
- 3660 Udbetalinger
- 500 Sider
- 500 Blogs
- 100K Omdirigeringer
- 10 Menuer
- ...
$200 om måneden
- Alt ubegrænset
- 10x hastighed
- Batchimport
Indeholder maskinoversat tekst
Alle gebyrer faktureres i USD. Tilbagevendende og brugsbaserede gebyrer faktureres hver 30. dag. Se alle prismuligheder
Anmeldelser (503)
Life saving app, allows us to import large amounts of stock relatively painlessly once spreadsheet configs are set up and working.
Metafields management is a big thing for us which Shopify's native import really cannot handle. We also use it every day to run picksheets too. Its really good, and most importantly support is really top notch.
Thanks heaps for your ripper review of the Matrixify app! We're stoked to hear that it's been a life saver for importing stock and managing Metafields. Knowing that it's making a big difference for your picksheets and daily operations means the world to us. And we're chuffed that our support team has been top notch for you.
Cheers for sharing your experience, mate!
Wishing you all the best from our whole Matrixify Team
If I could give this app 10+ stars I would! There are other apps which aid in a migration, which is what I used this for, but the other apps aren't very mature in terms of being able to capture ALL the data. The other problem is that the data has to sit somewhere while being migrated (on other apps). If you just export (on the old store) to all the defaults and import (to the new store) using this app on both stores, you'll see it does an INCREDIBLE job! I was extremely impressed.. you can export metafields and weird data chunks that you wouldn't think you needed - but you do - when migrating. A must-have App for that activity. It's also useful as a backup too - I see other backup systems out there, but this one would work great to keep a copy of your data locally should something bump into your store.
Oh, wow - thank you so much for your amazing and detailed review!
You made not just a day, but the whole week - happy tears in eyes of our whole team. 🥹
The support team has been so amazing at addressing any roadblocks or issues that come up. The tool is amazing but we use it in a very specific way, and they have been extremely quick to troubleshoot and problem solve with me. As the CEO of the company, I really appreciate their service and customer support.
Thank you so much for your amazing review.
You are the inspiration to our whole team to keep making Matrixify better every day - for you.
Founding Engineer & CEO
Amazing tool, allows you to upload and download metafield objects, merge tags and so much more. Setup of the files is easy and the documentation is helpful. A must have for all stores that upload in CSV/Excel.
So happy to hear that - thank you so much! 👏
Matrixify performs its function beautifully and the support staff have always been responsive and friendly. We highly recommend this app for handling any larger data imports and exports: an area where's Shopify's native functionality can be extremely limited.
Wow, thank you so much for your review.
Your words are extremely valuable to our team, and anyone who will read it.
We wish your the most amazing commerce results… 🤩🫶👏
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7. juli 2017 · Ændringslog