추천 이미지 갤러리
Matrixify app helps you to manage store data - bulk import, export, update and migrate.
Save time and nerves when working with your store data in bulk. From small stores to large enterprises - this app can handle file sizes up to 20 GB. Simple data updates and reports to automations - through Google Sheets, FTP servers, Excel and other data formats and channels. /ex Excelify. Export or import data for: Products, Collections, Customers, B2B Companies, Discounts, Draft Orders, Orders, Payouts, Pages, Blogs, Redirects, Activity, Files, Metaobjects, Metafields, Navigation Menus.
- Import and Export data using Excel, Google Sheets or CSV files.
- Migrate from Magento, WordPress/WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Lightspeed and others.
- Backup and restore your data.
- Schedule and auto-repeat Export and Import jobs.
- Monitor and control Export and Import jobs as they happen, see job history.
- 하이라이트
- 미국의 비즈니스에서 인기 있는 앱
- Shopify 관리자에서 바로 사용 가능
이 앱은 한국어로 번역되지 않았습니다
다음과 호환:
- Google Shopping
- Google Sheets
- Custom Format Integrations
- Google Drive
- Dropbox
- Per file:
- 10 Products
- 10 Collections
- 10 Customers
- 10 Discounts
- 10 Orders
- 10 Payouts
- 10 Pages
- 10 Blog Posts
- 10 Redirects
- 2 Menus
- ...
$20 /월
- Per file:
- 5K Products
- 300 Collections
- 2K Customers
- 300 Discounts
- 1K Orders
- 366 Payouts
- 50 Pages
- 50 Blogs
- 10K Redirects
- 5 Menus
- ...
$50 /월
- Per file:
- 50K Products
- 3K Collections
- 20K Customers
- 3K Discounts
- 10K Orders
- 3660 Payouts
- 500 Pages
- 500 Blogs
- 100K Redirects
- 10 Menus
- ...
$200 /월
- Everything Unlimited
- 10x speed
- Batch import
모든 비용은 USD(으)로 청구됩니다. 반복 요금 및 사용 기반 요금은 30일마다 청구됩니다. 모든 요금제 옵션 보기
리뷰 (540)
Amazing tool, couldn't operate my business without it. We have a store with over 5k items and love the ease of use.
Amazing review, thank you so much from our whole team! 🤝
Matrixify is amazing. I don't know what we would do without this wonderful app. It's very useful for many different tasks. In my opinion it is worth every cent.
Wow, you are amazing!
Thank you from our whole team for your inspiring review! 🙏
Founding Engineer
The documentation for Matrixify is incredibly thorough! I was able to successfully migrate my Woocommerce products, customers, and orders to my new Shopify shop. I did have a few questions in the beginning, just to double-check that I understood everything correctly, and customer service response was prompt and helpful.
Thank you so much for your effort to read our documentation, and to be so attentive to details in doing your migration.
Also, a big hug from our whole team for your amazing review. 🤗
Please stay away form this APP, they have made continuous errors on my website, and although I cancelled the subscription 2 months ago, they are still taking money from my account (over £100). I am speaking with Shopify to help me stop this robbery and fraud.
Saves a lot of time! Moving from BigCommerce to Shopify was initially daunting, and I was skeptical about paying for a subscription for what seemed like just importing and exporting CSV files. However, the service proved to be well worth it. It streamlined the entire process, saving hours of manual work and ensuring everything was transferred accurately. Highly recommend for anyone switching platforms!
Wow, thank you so much for your amazing and blazing review.
You made our week! 🙏
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