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Uppgradera ditt företag med produkt- och fraktskydd för att öka intäkterna och kundlojaliteten.
Extend hjälper dig att generera intäkter och skydda kunder från skador och förluster genom moderna produkt- och fraktskyddslösningar. Förbättra vinstmarginalerna på varje transaktion samtidigt som du förbättrar kundupplevelsen. Allt detta till noll kostnad för dig, vilket lämnar ditt företag med ren vinst. Vi omvandlar ett ögonblick av frustration till total tillfredsställelse för dina kunder, med 98% bearbetade på 90 sekunder eller mindre. Installera vår app eller kontakta oss för att komma igång!
- Generera inkrementell intäkt som ökar din nettoresultat.
- Skapa långsiktig varumärkeslojalitet och återkommande köpare med snabba och enkla lösningar.
- Skreddarsydda program för dina kunder som passar din bransch och produktlinjer.
Innehåller automatöversatt text
- Höjdpunkter
- Fungerar med de senaste temana
Denna app finns inte översatt till svenska
Fungerar med
Shopify kassasystem, KassaKategorier
Recensioner (23)
Really unimpressed. I was super stoked to install this and get it going on our site. We've written store policies around this app. Then nearly a month later, we get an email from someone stating that they cannot work with us because our store does not have $3 million in revenue. Poof, that's it. You've lost a prospective customer.
Extend’s product protection offers a great peace of mind for many of our customers. Their service is fast and exceptional, bringing extra value to our products. Our experience with them has been phenomenal and their support is fast to respond. They are someone we highly recommend!
Extend is a great way to increase AOV and overall revenue while also supporting your customers!
We have technical difficulties due to the way our shopify store is set up and their team is attentive and works with us to find solutions to customize the experience to our needs.
Implementation is super simple and done through the app which we can appreciate!
We've been using Extend for more than a year and they have been fantastic. Quick responses and our customers have very happy with the results.
The integration with Shopify has been seamless and their merchant portal is very easy to use as well
Having Extend as an option for our customers has help increase sales as well because it gives them a piece of mind when purchasing some very expensive pieces
Highly recommend
We've offered Extend product protection and shipping protection to our customers for a couple of years now and both products are very popular. My experience with them has been great. The support I've received from our account manager has been great, the merchant portal is good and easy to use, the website and customer service for the customers is good. I highly recommend them.
Extend kan svara på eventuella frågor du har om Extend Product Protection.
18 november 2021